I am pretty sure Austin had a great birthday! We had all kinds of company come into town for the occasion. On Saturday afternoon, Tyler came to town to spend some time with us. He spent the night in the living room with a sleeping bag... I can't wait until we have a house and extra bedrooms! Sunday around 11, Austin's parents arrived just in time for lunch. We ate at Benihana's. It was yummy... I had never eaten there before. After lunch, we lounged around the house and at a piece of the BASKIN ROBBINS cake that I had gotten for Austin. It was delicious! Soon after, we went shopping around and driving around. Tyler had been wanting to get a Tom Tom so we went to Best Buy. We didn't end up getting anything. After Best Buy we drove around town and then headed back to the apartment. We sat back down and just talked for a while and then it was around 4ish.... and the Brents were headed back to Whitney. Not long after, Tyler headed back to College Station. I told Austin I remembered when we would travel on the weekends but had to be back Sunday beacuse we had class Monday.... yeah, I don't miss those days!!! Tyler is now living that for us! Austin and I spend the rest of the day relaxing.
Monday, Austin's real birthday, went about the same way as every other weekend that he has off. We slowly woke up and go started on our day. We went and got Austin a haircut... the first one in a LONG LONG time that he had paid for one, he usually does it himself. After the haircut, we went to the bank to deposit some money and then headed to the grocery store. After that, we headed back to the apartment because Mamaw and Papaw we headed into town to stop by and bring Austin his birthday card. The ended up finding the place and stayed for maybe 20 minutes. It was so sweet for them to stop by! After they left it was time to eat lunch! Of couse we had nothing fancy, he had a sandwich and I ate mac and cheese! After lunch we walked to the mailbox, he had gotten two birthday cards in the mail and they were the EXACT same card with a little white puppy on it that looked just like MIA!! It was too funny. One was from my mom, and the other from our friend Blake in Colorado! And to make matters worse, I had given him a card that morning and it had a puppy on it too, but mine was a yorkie! After getting the mail, we played fetch a little with Mia outside to get some energy out of her. Then back inside for more relaxing for Austin's birthday. Tonight, we watched some football and Austin fell asleep around 9. As you can see, I am still awake and about to try and go to sleep like my wonderful husband. The big TWO FIVE! It's all downhill from here.... We will be 40 before we know it!! Time just needs to slow down!!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
No more moving :(
Welp, our big plans of moving this weekend has officially backfired! We are now just going to stay in our apartment in Austin until the end of September.
We had a hectic day yesterday. We looked at about 12 houses and finally narrowed it down to one by the end of they day. We were so excited and anxious about it. We called the realitor and she was all excited and called the owners of the house. Come to find out it would take 7 days for everything to be cleared and cleaned..... well we didnt have 7 days.... we wanted to move in on Saturday which is only 3 days away! So after tons of crying (my emotions had just been up and down all day long, looking at houses is so stressful to me!) Austin thought that everything was just happeneing too fast and he was thinking that since it was all going so fast that we would be screwed in the deal and not get exactly what we want! So even though I wanted to move so bad, it is probably more of a good thing that we aren't. We are going to have a final decision by the middle of September and go from there!!!! Wish us luck in this stressful time!
We had a hectic day yesterday. We looked at about 12 houses and finally narrowed it down to one by the end of they day. We were so excited and anxious about it. We called the realitor and she was all excited and called the owners of the house. Come to find out it would take 7 days for everything to be cleared and cleaned..... well we didnt have 7 days.... we wanted to move in on Saturday which is only 3 days away! So after tons of crying (my emotions had just been up and down all day long, looking at houses is so stressful to me!) Austin thought that everything was just happeneing too fast and he was thinking that since it was all going so fast that we would be screwed in the deal and not get exactly what we want! So even though I wanted to move so bad, it is probably more of a good thing that we aren't. We are going to have a final decision by the middle of September and go from there!!!! Wish us luck in this stressful time!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Hectic Week
Well... It looks like the Brent's are making the move to Georgetown! We are going tomorrow to spend the day looking at rent houses. I cannot wait to be in a house and out of apartments. I am so sick of them and I hate dealing with the managment and such. I am ready to have a backyard for MIA!!!!!! She cannot wait to run around all day long; she is going to be in doggie heaven!

I have started packing stuff up (again) in the apartment. This is going to be a long and tiring process for the week. Austin wants to try and be moved out of here by Monday so we won't have to pay rent at two places. This means we HAVE to find a place to live tomorrow.... and we have to be busy packing up this week. Tyler (Austin's brother) is coming into town on Saturday so while Austin is at work, we are going to fill up both Tahoes and take the stuff that we can carry, small boxes and clothes and such. Austin's parents are coming in on Sunday for Austin's birthday which is on Monday. Hopefully with three strong men, they can get all the furniture loaded up in to our own Perry Office Plus box truck! We would be so lost without my parents! I just hope that everything goes smooth. It is so stressful, especially with Austin starting his new higher position job and with me trying to find a job! I have to re-state that this is BY FAR the craziest summer that I have every been through! It seriously has just been one thing after the other. But don't get me wrong, everything that has happened has been a blessing!!!!! I know moving is crazy, but Austin moving up in the company this fast is just unbelievable and so awesome!
So, last weekend we went to Temple for Jackson's birthday party! It was such a good time. It was at a new water park and I had never been there. It just had some spouts that shot up and some tall poles that poured water our and more that just sprayed out. There was no standing water, so it was really great for the young children. And us big kids had fun too!!!

Austin and Jackson playing in the water
Blowing the candles out
Austin and Jackson
The Boys, being boys.... so funny!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Well, Austin's manager told him yesterday that he will now be in GEORGETOWN! So if Sherwin Williams will pay for us to break our lease, we just might be moving, AGAIN! If we do, this would be the third time to move THIS SUMMER! It has been by far the craziest summer.....
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Assistant Manager
So... Austin had his meeting with the district manager on Monday, and he will officially be assistant manager in his own store on this coming MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so crazy that he is already getting to do this since he hasn't even done his district training. His district training in Dallas isn't until mid September. Also, on average, after people finish their MTP training they stay at that store for at least 6 more months before something opens up. Austin has barely been at the store he is at for 8 weeks. It is just crazy but a miracle. He will be getting a pay raise since he will be assistant manager which will help out so much.
I have been busily trying to finish up my portfolio. I know school starts pretty much everywhere next week and some this week, but I am going to finish this puppy and apply at some schools around here. If that doesn't happen, then I am going to sub or try and find another job. We need the extra money coming in to pay things off. We both have a credit card to pay off and the washer and dryer! It will be nice to have two incomes coming in. With us both working, we will have to find a puppy sitter! (JK) Poor Mia, she is going to go crazy!
This weekend we are headed for Temple! Jackson is having his THIRD birthday party! I am so excited to get to town and see the rest of the family. It feels like I never get to see them. I can't wait to see Jackson and Jayci. With us living in Austin, they are growing up twice as fast!
I have been busily trying to finish up my portfolio. I know school starts pretty much everywhere next week and some this week, but I am going to finish this puppy and apply at some schools around here. If that doesn't happen, then I am going to sub or try and find another job. We need the extra money coming in to pay things off. We both have a credit card to pay off and the washer and dryer! It will be nice to have two incomes coming in. With us both working, we will have to find a puppy sitter! (JK) Poor Mia, she is going to go crazy!
This weekend we are headed for Temple! Jackson is having his THIRD birthday party! I am so excited to get to town and see the rest of the family. It feels like I never get to see them. I can't wait to see Jackson and Jayci. With us living in Austin, they are growing up twice as fast!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Last Night's Dinner
I made the most amazing dinner last night.... well it wasn't just the dinner, it was the dinnerware and everything else! I made spaghetti and put it in a pretty caserole dish, a made a salad with cheese and dressing and put it in my clear salad bowl and we used the tongs that matched, corn in a caserole dish, cornbread and put it in my heart caserole dish from Brittany!!! We even drank out of our stemless wine glasses, it was the whole package! I set the table and had everything ready! I made Austin stay in the living room so he would be surprized at what I was making, he was very excited and surprized! It was so cute and it was very romantic. We decided that we should do this at least once a week! It was very special to use all our new dished that we hadn't used yet. I cook all the time and we eat at the table occasionally... but this was new and it was amazing! I should have taken a picture.... dang it!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Austin and Work...
Austin has been super busy at work the past two days. See the deal is that his manager and guy right below the assistant manager's wives were both pregnant. Sunday night Tim, right below the assistant manager, and his wife went to the hospital and they induced his wife Sunday night. Monday morning, Andy, the manager, and his wife were at the hospital and they induced her. She ended up having her baby before Tim's wife! But it is the managers 3rd baby and Tim's first. Therefore.... the one incharge now is Nathan the assistant manager and below him is now....... drumroll please.... AUSITN BRENT! It is very exciting because he is getting a little taste of being in charge which he needed since he could have a store soon. It has been super busy at the store the past two days, but they are getting through it! When Nathan has to run an errand or go to lunch outside the store, Austin gets to take over and be the man in charge which I think is just awesome!!! He thinks that he will be in charge all weekend!!! He says the manager will be back tomorrow but doesn't think he will be working the weekend therefore AUSTIN IS IN CHARGE! The assistant manager is off this weekend for his birthday which was Monday, so we shall see how the weekend goes.
I have been busy the past couple of days as well. I have been trying to get our apartment looking like a home!!! It is definitely getting better and we only have a couple more boxes left but they are going back to Temple soon and back into storage. It is going to feel so good to get everything put in its place and have a happy, no stress zone! We recently bought a fan for the living room since it didn't have one in it, and Austin is one happy camper!
I have been busy the past couple of days as well. I have been trying to get our apartment looking like a home!!! It is definitely getting better and we only have a couple more boxes left but they are going back to Temple soon and back into storage. It is going to feel so good to get everything put in its place and have a happy, no stress zone! We recently bought a fan for the living room since it didn't have one in it, and Austin is one happy camper!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Finally looking like an apartment!!
This weekend was so productive! Austin had a three day weekend because he had Monday off! We got so much done and the place is starting to look great! We finished up the study, for the most part... and the dining room too! It is so nice to have it looking like a real apartment and not a mess of boxes. Everyone needs to come visit and see our awesome place!
Our first big purchase as a married couple.... A WASHER AND DRYER! They are so awesome! It is nice to be able to do our laundry at the place now and not have to go somewhere to wash Austin's work clothes! I have done about three loads between yesterday and today! All the laundry we have left is a couple dresses that are dry clean only.... boo!
Our first big purchase as a married couple.... A WASHER AND DRYER! They are so awesome! It is nice to be able to do our laundry at the place now and not have to go somewhere to wash Austin's work clothes! I have done about three loads between yesterday and today! All the laundry we have left is a couple dresses that are dry clean only.... boo!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
New Apartment
Well, Well, Well! We finally got moved into our new apartment. It isn't as great as our last one, I think we spoiled ourselves with that one. It is fun though. Yesterday we got one accent wall painted and that was fun. It is a teal-blue color and it is in the living room behind the TV. We dont have the living room all set up yet, or the study or our closet. Austin says he wants to help out so I am waiting until his day off on Monday to finish up everything! It is starting to look like a home! The kitchen is good, the dining room is making progress, our bathroom is good, and our bedroom is good! We just got cable and internet yesterday too, so thats why I haven't been keeping up on our moving process! It was a busy move, and it was a very hot day when we moved! My parents helped out and boy was it a big help! I think we would have died trying to do it all on our own. Even though we are only here for three months, although I kind of hope we will be here longer..... it is fun to put everything where we want it and to do a little decorating. On Monday, we will be hanging some pictures and things like that on the walls. We have candle holders out and candles on them, we have a fireplace and so we got to decorate around that! It has been busy but fun, I guess....
We completely moved out of our old apartment yesterday, but all I had to get from there yesterday was the TIVO and a box or two. I went there on Monday and cleaned it from head to toe..... It was crazy. I don't know if I have EVER cleaned a place as well as I cleaned that apartment. It was awesome! and I hope I never have to do it again! haha
Austin gets done with all his book work for Sherwin Williams this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so exciting because now that he will be done with that, he can get his own store... get to be an Assistant Manager at one. There actually is an opening in Killeen, but we decided that is not quite the place we wanted to be! I am scared about moving to a new store. I love the one he is at now... I love the people and it is in a great location! Austin is one of those people that can just light up a room. Before Austin, that store was struggling. No one wanted to work and it was just not a good environment. Now that Austin is there, everyone said it is just a huge improvment! I know that where ever Austin is, he will have a good time and work with good people. That is exciting that I have such a great husband!
Mia is not too sure about our new place. You can hear so much more here. The people walking down the stairs, the yard people, people talking outside.... SHE BARKS ALL THE TIME! It is so crazy and I am not sure how I am going to deal with it. Oh well... we will get through it!
We completely moved out of our old apartment yesterday, but all I had to get from there yesterday was the TIVO and a box or two. I went there on Monday and cleaned it from head to toe..... It was crazy. I don't know if I have EVER cleaned a place as well as I cleaned that apartment. It was awesome! and I hope I never have to do it again! haha
Austin gets done with all his book work for Sherwin Williams this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so exciting because now that he will be done with that, he can get his own store... get to be an Assistant Manager at one. There actually is an opening in Killeen, but we decided that is not quite the place we wanted to be! I am scared about moving to a new store. I love the one he is at now... I love the people and it is in a great location! Austin is one of those people that can just light up a room. Before Austin, that store was struggling. No one wanted to work and it was just not a good environment. Now that Austin is there, everyone said it is just a huge improvment! I know that where ever Austin is, he will have a good time and work with good people. That is exciting that I have such a great husband!
Mia is not too sure about our new place. You can hear so much more here. The people walking down the stairs, the yard people, people talking outside.... SHE BARKS ALL THE TIME! It is so crazy and I am not sure how I am going to deal with it. Oh well... we will get through it!
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