Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Where did 2009 go???
Not much has been going on, so I don't really know what to write about! Ill start with this past weekend....
We went to Temple for a birthday party and a wedding shower. The birthday party was for a precious one year old! He is my cousins baby and his name is Jack. He was so cute at his party.... crawling around and sticking his hand in cake!!!! The wedding shower was for precious Natalie!! Their wedding is coming up so fast, it is on November 14th. Which will be a crazy weekend because on Friday the 13th we will be headed towards College Station because my brother is getting his AGGIE RING and will dunk it that night...... something worth celebrating for sure!! And since I am going backwards... the weekend before the dunk and wedding is...... drumroll please....... OPENING WEEKEND OF DEER SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to get in that stand and watch some deer! I have decided that if we don't see any big deer, then I will shoot a doe (something I told myself I could never do) because we could use the meat!! YUMMY!
Halloween is on Saturday and I am excited. It means the holidays are here.... Once Halloween happens.... before you blink it is Thanksgiving, then Christmas.... then the new year.... I can't belive it is almost 2010!!!!! This year has seriously FLOWN by..... Where did 2009 go??
I cannot wait to see pictures from everyone from Halloween.... Colby is going to be a monkey... Jayci is going to be Dorthy and Jackson a scarcrow!!!!! I have no clue what Jack is going to be, but I bet it will be adorable!
Movie of the week-- Transformers 2
We went to Temple for a birthday party and a wedding shower. The birthday party was for a precious one year old! He is my cousins baby and his name is Jack. He was so cute at his party.... crawling around and sticking his hand in cake!!!! The wedding shower was for precious Natalie!! Their wedding is coming up so fast, it is on November 14th. Which will be a crazy weekend because on Friday the 13th we will be headed towards College Station because my brother is getting his AGGIE RING and will dunk it that night...... something worth celebrating for sure!! And since I am going backwards... the weekend before the dunk and wedding is...... drumroll please....... OPENING WEEKEND OF DEER SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to get in that stand and watch some deer! I have decided that if we don't see any big deer, then I will shoot a doe (something I told myself I could never do) because we could use the meat!! YUMMY!
Halloween is on Saturday and I am excited. It means the holidays are here.... Once Halloween happens.... before you blink it is Thanksgiving, then Christmas.... then the new year.... I can't belive it is almost 2010!!!!! This year has seriously FLOWN by..... Where did 2009 go??
I cannot wait to see pictures from everyone from Halloween.... Colby is going to be a monkey... Jayci is going to be Dorthy and Jackson a scarcrow!!!!! I have no clue what Jack is going to be, but I bet it will be adorable!
Movie of the week-- Transformers 2
Friday, October 23, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Cooking up a storm....
I have been trying some of my recipes that I got from my kitchen shower and so far they are working out pretty good!!! So far I have made King Ranch Chicken and I got that recipe from Gram!!! Thanks Gram for the great recipe!!!! Austin loved it and has been taking it for lunch the past couple of days!! We are also going to work on some variations to the recipe like the onions... gross! Austin loves them and I hate them, so it was an experience for me to pick out the onions!
The second recipe that I tried for the first time was Auntie Marilyn's brownies... no one can make them like her, but I did my best! Austin said they were good; so I'll take his word on it... haha He took a bunch to work today; I hope he shares them with his co-workers! Yesterday was just a crazy day while trying to make the brownies perfect. We had a bug guy come spray the house and he said after 45 minutes it would be dry and so I figured that it would be ok for Mia to be around it after the 45 minutes. She ended up getting really sick and it scared me to death! I start calling Austin and my mom.... it was bad, but she is much better today. We still arent quite sure what made her sick, but we are both betting on it was the spray.. poor Mia! And of course, momma takes care of her, sits on the floor with her... and then the second daddy gets home, she is brand new like she wasn't even sick.... wanting to play fetch and play rough with daddy..... it was a little frustrating, but I was glad she was better!
The second recipe that I tried for the first time was Auntie Marilyn's brownies... no one can make them like her, but I did my best! Austin said they were good; so I'll take his word on it... haha He took a bunch to work today; I hope he shares them with his co-workers! Yesterday was just a crazy day while trying to make the brownies perfect. We had a bug guy come spray the house and he said after 45 minutes it would be dry and so I figured that it would be ok for Mia to be around it after the 45 minutes. She ended up getting really sick and it scared me to death! I start calling Austin and my mom.... it was bad, but she is much better today. We still arent quite sure what made her sick, but we are both betting on it was the spray.. poor Mia! And of course, momma takes care of her, sits on the floor with her... and then the second daddy gets home, she is brand new like she wasn't even sick.... wanting to play fetch and play rough with daddy..... it was a little frustrating, but I was glad she was better!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Pictures of our house!!!
Well... Here they are!!! The much awaited pictures of our house all decked out! I tried to put them in an order where it made you seem like you just walked into the front door and around the house. I hope you enjoy them and get to see them in person sometime!
The breakfast bar in the front hallway
The dining room table and buffet to the left when you walk in
The laundry room down to the right, on laundry day of course....
Across from the laundry room is the Kitchen

Another view of the kitchen
and the last view of the kitchen
A better view of the dining room table and windows
If you back out of the kitchen, into the hallway, you face the living room
Our new couches and another view of our living room
The cutout between the living room and kitchen

Down our other hallway is the bedrooms, here is the guest bedroom

Welp, that is all I have for you, I hope you enjoyed taking a tour of our house... yall come back soon now you hear!
Ok so you just walked into the front door, here is the hallway
Another view of the kitchen
Our new couches and another view of our living room
Down our other hallway is the bedrooms, here is the guest bedroom
The guest bathroom, and yes it is all my old stuff from college, the bedroom too!
The UNFINISHED study.... sadly enough

Where all the magic happens :)

our shelves we painted, TV and closet
a closeup of our closet
The Master Bath.... dun dun dun...
Looking out our bedroom to the hallway
and off to the backyard.. with Mia of course!
We pulled weeds yesterday in our garden... on the right is the before, and on the left is the after.... such a difference huh...

A view of the rest of the yard!

Where all the magic happens :)
our shelves we painted, TV and closet
A view of the rest of the yard!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Football and Cold Weather
I am beginning to LOVE FALL! It is so nice to have some cooler weather and it is so much better than sweating all day!!!!! Today is a cold and rainy day in Georgetown!!! It makes it hard for Mia to go outside. I took her out front and all she wanted to do was run around like crazy and of course she was soaking wet!!!! Her legs and belly looked like she just got out of the bath! She is a silly girl.
We have been watching football for the past few days. We went to the Whitney Wildcat football game on Friday night.... and let me tell you... I was freezing!!!! It was the coldest I have been in a while! But on a good note.... it was a fun game. Neither one of us had been to a high school football game in a while so it was a wierd feeling..... They ended up losing but it was a good game. Austin had Friday off, so we headed to Whitney. We spent the night and then woke up early Saturday morning to make it to Temple for my neice's soccer game. He had off Saturday too as well as Sunday and MONDAY!!!!
Today has been a lazy day! We slept in, and woke up just in time to watch the Cowboy game. It turned out to be a very frustrating game. They were doing good at one point... then horrible... and then came out to win it! I am glad we ended up winning; that is such a good feeling! We are now watching the Texans play. Football makes Sundays awesome... Saturday was spend watching College football. The ags tried to come out and win it and they put up a good fight but ended up losing the game. Oh well.... next week is a new week!
We are still working on getting everything in its place in the house, hopefully it will get done before Austin goes back to work, so I will be taking and posting pictures of our house soon, so keep an eye out for that!!!
We have been watching football for the past few days. We went to the Whitney Wildcat football game on Friday night.... and let me tell you... I was freezing!!!! It was the coldest I have been in a while! But on a good note.... it was a fun game. Neither one of us had been to a high school football game in a while so it was a wierd feeling..... They ended up losing but it was a good game. Austin had Friday off, so we headed to Whitney. We spent the night and then woke up early Saturday morning to make it to Temple for my neice's soccer game. He had off Saturday too as well as Sunday and MONDAY!!!!
Today has been a lazy day! We slept in, and woke up just in time to watch the Cowboy game. It turned out to be a very frustrating game. They were doing good at one point... then horrible... and then came out to win it! I am glad we ended up winning; that is such a good feeling! We are now watching the Texans play. Football makes Sundays awesome... Saturday was spend watching College football. The ags tried to come out and win it and they put up a good fight but ended up losing the game. Oh well.... next week is a new week!
We are still working on getting everything in its place in the house, hopefully it will get done before Austin goes back to work, so I will be taking and posting pictures of our house soon, so keep an eye out for that!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Less then a month until DEER SEASON!!!
Yay, I cannot wait to have another hunting season with Austin. Last year we didn't see much and it was pretty boring, so we are hoping that this year we will see lots of deer! I am going to keep my fingers crossed!!! Family time at the ranch, here we come!!!!
So, if you don't know... I have turned crazy and have had this idea in my head lately that I want to be a model.... Yeah, I know I am dreaming. I just now was looking on the Victoria's Secret website and they are looking for models to be in the fashion show that is in New York in December. I would totally do it, and I almost signed up until I read a little side note that said you have to be 5'8 or taller barefoot...... if you know me, I AM NOT THAT TALL.. so my dream to walk next to all those hot models.... was JUST KILLED! Oh well... I guess I will find a new dream.
I cannot believe it is already October. This year has seriously just FLOWN by! I cannot believe how fast life has been passing me by since I think college. That is when I started to realize how fast a year could go by! They say the older you get, the faster the years fly by.... and I am really starting to believe it and see it too!
This month already been birthday city for my family..... Brittany just had a birthday on the 5th..... Ill send her a shout out since she is hopefully going to read this!!!! Travis had a birthday yesterday and today is Douglas' birthday!!!!! My dads is coming up soon too..... man then its Halloween, my sister's birthday, then thanksgiving, then christmas...... AND THEN IT IS 2010... I mean can you believe it.... I am in awe and exhausted just thinking about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, if you don't know... I have turned crazy and have had this idea in my head lately that I want to be a model.... Yeah, I know I am dreaming. I just now was looking on the Victoria's Secret website and they are looking for models to be in the fashion show that is in New York in December. I would totally do it, and I almost signed up until I read a little side note that said you have to be 5'8 or taller barefoot...... if you know me, I AM NOT THAT TALL.. so my dream to walk next to all those hot models.... was JUST KILLED! Oh well... I guess I will find a new dream.
I cannot believe it is already October. This year has seriously just FLOWN by! I cannot believe how fast life has been passing me by since I think college. That is when I started to realize how fast a year could go by! They say the older you get, the faster the years fly by.... and I am really starting to believe it and see it too!
This month already been birthday city for my family..... Brittany just had a birthday on the 5th..... Ill send her a shout out since she is hopefully going to read this!!!! Travis had a birthday yesterday and today is Douglas' birthday!!!!! My dads is coming up soon too..... man then its Halloween, my sister's birthday, then thanksgiving, then christmas...... AND THEN IT IS 2010... I mean can you believe it.... I am in awe and exhausted just thinking about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
New Hair, New Beginning....
The biggest news... I got a new haircut!!!! It is about at my shoulders and I got bangs! I will take some time to get used to.... but eventually I will fit in with it! haha I wasn't quite sure what to do with it... I had printed pictures off the internet of things I liked. I had one long hair with bangs, one short with bangs... and one of just bangs that I liked. I just decided yesterday that maybe short hair and bangs would be a good change. I thought I needed a new start with my hair... maybe it will be a new start to my life! Get myself going and motivated with a cute new do!
Last night we went over to Shane and Avery Devenport's house, they live like 2 minutes from us...., and we had so much fun!!! Ave made dinner for us (chicken spaghetti and brownies) then we watched a little TV and then she cut my hair! We were there until about 11:45ish.... we were just sitting and talking. I thought it would have been a little wierd since I have know Shane and Ave so long..... but it actually was great and awesome!!! I hope we make this a normal thing to hang out with them. Gwynn is soo cute and she is so smart with the way she talks, it was fun to get a peek of that.....
I have had an interesting time cooking... I burnt some cookies the other day and it was a pretty scary moment. I had put them in and granted they only cook for 8-10 minutes. We went outside to work on Austin's truck and when I came back in the house smelled so good! When I figred out what it was, I knew it had been way too long. When I got to the oven, it was smoking and I opened it a little bit to just get bombarded with smoke.... We had to open windows to get it out! We turned the oven off and let them cool down so we could take them out..... Sad day.... poor cookies! I tried again the next night and I was successful!!!!! YAY!
Last night we went over to Shane and Avery Devenport's house, they live like 2 minutes from us...., and we had so much fun!!! Ave made dinner for us (chicken spaghetti and brownies) then we watched a little TV and then she cut my hair! We were there until about 11:45ish.... we were just sitting and talking. I thought it would have been a little wierd since I have know Shane and Ave so long..... but it actually was great and awesome!!! I hope we make this a normal thing to hang out with them. Gwynn is soo cute and she is so smart with the way she talks, it was fun to get a peek of that.....
I have had an interesting time cooking... I burnt some cookies the other day and it was a pretty scary moment. I had put them in and granted they only cook for 8-10 minutes. We went outside to work on Austin's truck and when I came back in the house smelled so good! When I figred out what it was, I knew it had been way too long. When I got to the oven, it was smoking and I opened it a little bit to just get bombarded with smoke.... We had to open windows to get it out! We turned the oven off and let them cool down so we could take them out..... Sad day.... poor cookies! I tried again the next night and I was successful!!!!! YAY!
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