All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy 80th Birthday Mamaw!

The sweetest lady I know, turned 80 on Wednesday, March 2nd. We celebrated her birthday with the whole family on the Saturday before. It was so much fun to get everyone together and to celebrate such a special person. We watched videos of when our parents were growing up and it was so much fun to see!!! We had cake, opened presents, and just celebrated being together!
All the Grandchildren (Minus Douglas) and Great Grandchildren!

Lynnsay Mamaw and Me

Blowing out her candles

The decorations were great!!!
Update: Marilyn had e-mailed all of us to tell everyone we knew (that knew Mamaw) to send her a card in the mail so she could get 80 cards!! I just got an email this morning that said she got over 90 cards!!! You know that is one loved lady!!!!
Also, I called her yesterday (her acutal birthday, which is also Texas Independence Day, and my father in law's birthday!!!) and she said she was sitting by the phone waiting for the birthday calls!! I called her around 10 and she said she had many before me, and I'm sure she had a ton the rest of the day!!! She said how each one brightened her day and the cards did too!!! I hope we will get to celebrate many more birthdays with her!
We love you Mamaw!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My friend Catherine

I don't think I have ever known someone that people would call free-spirited.... but I am pretty sure that is EXACTLY what my friend Catherine is.

I went and ate lunch with her on Sunday (Feb. 27th) and got all caught up on her life. So I guess I will start at the beginning and end where we picked up this weekend. Pretty much after she finished college, she was in her hometown of Austin, TX for maybe a couple of years, if that. Then she headed to travel all around South America. That to me is amazing in itself! But I guess it just wasn't enough. She ended up getting a job there (not sure exactly where...) and was there for quite some time... Maybe 6-12 months. After that, she headed back to Austin. But if you haven't already guessed, that didn't last long. Next thing I knew, she was in San Diego, California... where she got a job and was there for a while....

This is where we picked up on Sunday. She has been back in Texas for about three weeks now... and actually TODAY she is headed to England for a MONTH!!!! She is actually going to visit a boy she met in Brazil! How awesome is that!!!!! I kept asking her what she will do when she gets back, job and life wise... and her answer, "I'll figure it out when I get back!"

I definitely live vicaiously through her. I wish we could just pick up and go to Englad for a month.... Thanks Catherine for being a great friend and letting me life my travel life through you!

Did I mention what I have done since I graduated college.... went to school for teaching (which I will probably never do... not for me), got married, moved three times, and now have a job! Quite boring in Catherine's eyes! She did all the talking on Sunday.... not me and my normal life!!!