Thursday was the day that I became 12 weeks pregnant! I am still feeling great!!! I have been sleeping a ton but I need to live it up for now until the little one comes. I haven't been craving anything still, but I eat pickles at every chance I get: at home, at the Macey's (HB and Lynnsay), Schlotskys.. you name it! Oh and for some reason Blow Pops too. I got some at the grocery store in a four pack and once I finished all four, I wanted more every day after that!! Weird, but yummy!
I am preparing myself for a long and hot summer. Summer at work starts June 6th so I have about a month and a little to prepare! Hope those kids are ready for pregnant Mrs. Haley :)
I am officially 11 weeks today! I am so excited that our baby actually looks like a baby, and not an alien peanut inside me.... Apparently this week, our baby will start to open and close his/her fists, and get the hicups..... Also starting to grow bones and teeth! Interesting huh??? Also, is the size of a fig, whatever in the world that is.... never seen one before : /I go in the week after Easter to get another sonogram and then I think two weeks after that and that is when we find out if we are having an Austin Jr. or Haley Jr.... I cannot wait to see what our little baby looks like :)I also cannot wait until Easter because I get to see a lot of my family for the first time since I found out I was pregnant! So I am excited to see everyone in person and tell them about everything that has been going on. I don't have too much of a baby bump (more like a pooch) but I am willing to show it off! I am not scared :)I had this survey or questionare thing that I wanted to start filling out, but I cannot figure out how to copy and paste in this blogger thing... so weird, but I will tell you a little about my thoughts and stuff, some of what was on the survey thing!I haven't really had any cravings or things that make me sick (I haven't been sick at all).I am not wearing maternity stuff, except when I wear jeans, I wear bella bands (best things ever!!!!!). I have a pregnant mom at work, and she was nice enough to pass on one of hers, so I have TWO now!! She is around 30 weeks and in maternity pants now. I have been starving and SUPER tired the past two weeks, so of course I have been sleeping like crazy!!!!!I haven't really been worried about anything while being pregnant, except for my weight. Since I have been pregnant, and maybe a little before, I have lost 15lbs. Of course everyone says thats ok and I'll be happy since I am supposed to start gaining weight now, but that just seems like a bunch of weight when all I think about with getting pregnant is GAINING weight.... Other than that, everything has been great and wonderful so far!!!!!! YAY Baby Brent!!!!!
The aggie girls won the National Championship Title last night!!!! It was a crazy game and I am so glad we pulled off the win!!!! The past couple of games tested my nerves and made me yell at the TV like a mad woman, but we did it!!!Congrats Lady Ags!!!!
Tomorrow I will be 10 weeks and I am starting to show a little bit, it just looks more like I have tummy fat, but I know what is really there :)
I cannot wait to start showing and for my little baby to start growing! Right now, he/she is about the size of an olive, a big olive since I am almost 10 weeks now!!!!
For some of you,this might be too much information, but some of you want to hear the story so here goes!!!!
I went to the doctor for my annual check up at the end of January, I think it was January 28th, and when I went, I was on my period. I had stopped taking my birth control (because I hated taking it everyday and forgot most days..) pretty much at the beginning of the year. So after I had my period at the end of January, I didn't have it within the next month and a half and I got a little concerned. Austin assured me that it was just because I wasn't taking my pill anymore. Finally, on Friday March 11th, I started bleeding and was thinking, well I guess I just started my period. Well after I first spotted it, I didn't bleed on Saturday or Sunday. Then on Monday I saw a little more blood. I thought it was really wierd. So finally on Tuesday, I decided that I was spotting and thought, well I have one more pregnancy test sitting around so I guess I'll take it when I get home. And when I did, it said pregnant... FREAK OUT! Austin was expected home soon after I got home and was coming in the delivery van from work and we were going to Round Rock to pick up some paint for the next day. When he got home, I said "I have to show you something..." and when I picked up the test, I said " I think I might be pregnant!"
He suggested we go get some more tests, so we went to the store and I bought three more boxes of tests!!!!! haha I am sure the lady the checked me out thought I was a nutcase... oh well! So that same night, I took three more tests and they all said pregnant. By this time I was pretty sure that I was pregnant! I immediately got online and they said spotting usually occurs about two months after you get pregnant, so I figured I was about that far along! That next night, Wednesday night, I ended up taking two more tests and again they both said pregnant! So I called the doctors office and said I needed to schedule an appointment. Of course they were confused because I had just had my annual, and I told them I thought I was pregnant! After many congrats, I got an appointment for not that Friday, but the next.... LONGEST WEEK AND TWO DAYS EVER!!!!! But of course at that appointment, which Austin went with me, they told us I was about 8 weeks pregnant and we got our first sonogram of our little baby!!!
I am so excited about this journey, and we will be having a baby on or around November 3rd!
Yeah, so I have been a little MIA this month... oops its April now.. LAST month. Here is my reason/s for not being here lately. Well, my husband and father in law were trying to do the taxes and broke my laptop... so I haven't had my lifeline since then and thats why I haven't been writing.Secondly... if you don't already know, we just found out we are PREGNANT!! So I have been excited and busy since last Friday!!!! I cannot wait to write all about it!!! We are going to get me a laptop... ASAP and I will catch back up. I know y'all miss me :)