Thursday, June 30, 2011
Macey's Nursery
I have this idea in my head, but the more I think about it, the more I don't know. Nothing else makes me happy though.... what is in my head won't let me see past anything else!
My Idea:
I want to do a (mostly) maroon and white room with a touch of (maybe hot) pink. I have this idea of a maroon with white polka dot chair with Macey on the top. I want part of the bed to be maroon with white polka dots too. The part that makes me nervous is the fact that I cannot find any pictures online of a maroon nursery. The only thing I have, is what is in my head.
My question to you.... do I go with my gut or find something "textbook".
P.S. I am 22 weeks today, so I HOPE to blog about that tomorrow!!!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Macey, Week 21
Oh and good news, I FINALLY feel her moving. It is so cool to feel it now that I know what everyone is talking about. She definitely already loves her daddy. She gets rowdy when her daddy is talking to her. I mostly feel her move when I am sitting and watching TV in my chair and when I am going to sleep at night. I love that little carrot so much already!!! We are now on the downhill slope to getting to see her!!!! Cannot wait!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Its a girl!!!!!!!!!
This is the second time I am typing this. It some how got deleted the first time... hence the delay in posting!!!
Sunday June 19th, Father's Day, we had a gathering at the farm for all the family. We had so much to celebrate and I am glad we could do it all in one day!!! Not only was it Father's Day, it was HB and Lynnsay's First Anniversary, and the reveal of Baby Brent. Everyone was so excited and were wondering when we were making this announcement. We were going to open them after dinner so everyone could pick their pink or blue cup depending on what they thought Baby Brent was!! We just couldn't wait and ended up announcing it before dinner. We didn't want to do it in the normal way they announce it... like frosting in the cake and such. We decided to do fortune cookies.
The Monday before the party the cookies came in and I had a bag full of It's a Boy and a bag full of It's a Girl!! I couldn't wait for everyone to open them! Everyone was trying to sneak a peak and see if they could see any hints in the bag of cookies; I kept them hidden.
When it was time to reveal the gender, we put the cookies in a pail and handed them out. We let everyone open the plastic to get one step closer to finding out. Then came the count down, then everyone read.....
IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't even begin to tell you how excited everyone was and how I was bursting at the seams seeing all the excitement. I loved it!!!! The family is so happy for us and I love it. Everyone is glad they finally know after being out of the loop all weekend!
We have decided to name her Macey Kyle Brent. Macey is of course my maiden name and I just don't think there was any way around it. We loved it and it will be nice to carry on the Macey name in my family. Kyle is Austin's middle name but we also liked it because we met at A&M and one of the big things at A&M is Kyle Field, so it has a couple of meanings!!! We are so excited and cannot wait to continue getting ready for this new family member! We love you, Macey!
Gender Maybe??
I am so glad we waited to do it all at once because it was building up the excitement! Everyone was so excited and would have been excited either way, boy or girl!!!
But now the secret is out and we are having a......
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Anniversary Chair

Halfway There!!!!
I am feeling great!!! With my new work schedule, I have been extra tired, but I am growing a baby so it is hard to not take a nap when I get home!!! Still no real cravings... I think I have been feeling little kicks, but I still cannot tell if that is what they are!
We went to the doctor yesterday for the gender sonogram and I cannot wait to blog about what out little baby is!!!! I have to keep my mouth shut until Sunday after our revieling party!!! But we definitely have a healthy baby! 11 oz. and 10 in. long and very active!

Anniversary Trip
We started the trip Sunday, May 1st by driving to Huntsville to see Tyler and stay the night with him to split our driving trip in half. We chilled with him and cooked a great dinner, steaks on the grill!! YUM! When we woke up the next morning, to our surprise, it was freezing and raining. Wow, what a way to start our beach trip. We loaded up the car and headed to Galveston. Little did we know, the adventure didn't end with the rain. When we got to Galveston, we headed to our house on the bay, where we stayed last time we went for our 1st anniversary. We had forgotten that they didn't allow pets, but we figured it would be ok for our 4 lb dog to be there. Well about an hour after we got there, the wife that owned the house showed up and saw Mia and called her husband. He said we could keep her in the downstairs of the house, which they were turning it into a game room. Well we went down there and it was a mess. There were pesticides and bags of concrete and I knew my curious puppy would be all over it, so we decided to stay somewhere else.
We packed everything up and headed to a pet friendly hotel. We weren't there for too long because we went out to dinner for my birthday but we noticed some gnats and while we were gone, they came and sprayed for them!!!! Dinner was yummy and then we grabbed ice cream on the way back to the hotel and got ready to watch Dallas play LA during the playoffs. While we were sitting and watching the basketball game, we started noticing some of the gnats were still around. The longer we sat there, more and more were showing up... in the bathroom, in the sheets, windows, table... everywhere!! Therefore, I started packing up and Austin went down to talk to the front desk and told them we weren't staying and why. We found another hotel and wanted to go check it out before paying for the week. We showed up and got to see a room, it was AMAZING!!! They had a full fridge, sink, disposal, stove, pots and pans, cups, plates... the full deal. Plus a nice comfy bed and best of all, NO GNATS! I think we finally got settled into our room and unpacked at about 11 that night. What a day it was!!!
Tuesday was our first day to the beach! We LOVE Crystal Beach so we rode the ferry over there for the day. It was super windy and pretty chilly, but not too bad sitting in the sun. We ended up playing on the beach with sweatshirts and jackets and Mia in her sweater. We played fetch with her until lunch time when Austin cooked hamburgers on the grill. Super yummy. After lunch, we took a nap in the car. By the time we got done napping on the beach, it had warmed up a little. We layed out, in our swimsuits (YAY!!!) and even stuck our feet in the FREEZING water! We headed in early and went out to eat that night.
Wednesday we headed back to Crystal Beach for the day. Did the same as the day before... hanging out on the beach and playing fetch with Mia! We cooked hotdogs on the grill for lunch and layed out and played with Mia (and a little in the water!!!) the rest of the day.
Thursday was our last full day in Galveston so we went slept in, grabbed lunch, souvenir shopping, did the duck tour and layed out on the beach off the seawall. It was a good way to spend the day together!!!! That night we got all dressed up and ate at Landrys for dinner. It was DELICIOUS!!!!!
Friday we woke up and packed up the hotel room. Since I had never been to Kemah, we thought we would check it out!!! It was so much fun!!! We at lunch at Joes Crab Shack and rode the boardwalk beast which was this boat that went super fast and got us soaked!!! Then since there were no pets allowed we went to check on Mia. We got some AC running in the car, took her on a little walk, and put some ice in her water. When we went back to the boardwalk we rode a rollarcoaster (which was a BLAST), rode the ferris wheel, and rode these swings that went really high! It was so much fun and worth it since I won't be doing any of those things for a while now that I am a little more pregnant!!!! Once we were all done, we grabbed an Icee and headed back to Georgetown!!!! We definitely had a blast and I can't wait to do it again next year for our 3rd anniversary with a baby :)
Texas Sports

Friday, June 10, 2011
ALMOST half way there!!!
This morning I woke up and thought I felt bigger. I looked in the mirror before I got in the shower and sure enough, I look like I grew three times since yesterday! Interesting.... I am still feeling great just tired. Trying not to get too stressed at work, but I definitely have my work cut out for me! I have quite the handful this summer!
In exactly one week from TODAY, we will be finding out what we are having, and I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!! I am so excited to see if we will be having a boy or girl and I can't wait to announce it to our families and friends! I have had so many people at work and on facebook of people guessing what it will be and I will be glad to let them know if they were right or not next weekend! And yes I said weekend.... I will have a VERY difficult time keeping my mouth shut! We go to have our sonogram on Friday.... hopefully eat with our friends Ave and Shane on Saturday night to tell them (and they can't tell ANYONE), and then we have a family gathering on Father's Day to announce it to our families!!!! So between Friday and Sunday I have to keep my big mouth shut! Wish me luck!!!!!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011
Ughh.... Summer
Most of the summer, I will be taking it easy. I know one week I teach Volleyball, but that is probably the most athletic activity that I will get! I just have to make it to lunch. Once it is lunchtime, my day is a breeze. After lunch we go SWIMMING and then I get to go home!!! I cannot wait to swim everyday and I will enjoy coming home to a nap or more swimming! We will see what happens and I will keep everyone posted on how the summer and waking up before the sun does!!!!
Basketball, Basketball, and more Basketball!

18 Weeks