This past year I got engaged and finished up my last and most stressed out semester ever at Texas A&M and it feels so good! Whoop... for graduation!!!

Even though my hat fell off on stage right after I shook the President of A&M's hand; I did not trip or fall and that's what I was more worred about. We went on a couple vacations; Austin and I flew to Colorado to spend some time with our friend Blake right before school started in August and then we also went on a family trip to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. In Colorado we went white water rafting and hiking in the mountains. In Florida we went deep sea fishing and I caught a shark. We decided to get it mounted so hopefully one day we can hang it over a pool table. Also Austin and I took a trip to Spring, TX by Houston to play with Hurricane Ike and it was definitely an experience to say the least.

Most recently we got a puppy; Mia. Well her full name which is on her collar is Mia Jo Brent. She is the cutest thing ever but she is a nightmare all at the same time. She is not house trained and it is very hard to teach her the things that I want her to learn. Waking up in the morning EARLY is the hardest thing for me and she loves to be up early. Starting out she was up at 5 in the morning, now she is sleeping in until about 9:30am. It is getting better. She is so much fun to have around because she is very playful. That pretty much sums up this past year....

Here's to the next year! The biggest thing to happen this year is I AM GETTING MARRIED! I cannot wait and I think it is going to be the best thing ever! Also this year Austin and I will be getting our first real jobs and buying our first place to live! It is going to fly by and it is going to be one adventure after another but with Austin by my side I know it will all turn out great. So many people are getting married this year; we have one wedding after another to attend.
Not much has been going on with the wedding. Since I am now done with school much more planning will be happening. I will actually be going to places and making final decisions now that I will be living back in Temple. Flowers will be done along with food for the reception and so on. I cannot wait for this wedding to be here and it is going to be so much fun picking everything out and watching the wedding come together. I will keep everyone posted as the planning continues!!
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