Saturday, November 28, 2009
The past week or so....
We went down to the ranch for about a week. We left Wednesday morning and stayed until Sunday afternoon. If you weren't counting.... that equals 7 hunts.... and what did we kill??? A racoon.... It was a pretty dissapointing hunting trip, but we had a great time. We saw a couple of nice doe and bucks but nothing worth shooting! We really just wanted some meat and came back with nothing.... Next time we are out for horns, maybe then we would just get a doe.... We had some great meals while we were there though! You know whats better then your mom's cooking.... Grandparent's cooking! No offense mom.... We had some great food though. Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, New Potatoes, biscuits, eggs, toast, sausage, Corn, BBQ from Heavy's..... and the list goes on and on!
Before we left for the ranch we got all the Christmas decorations inside put up! The tree and ornaments, snowmen and the dining room table..... It's so pretty!!! And yesterday we put the lights up around the outside of the house!!!! We drove to the mailbox around the corner just so we could drive by and see what they looked like!
Things to come:
December 12th-Brittany's Graduation (Which we are missing because Austin has to work)
December 19th-Brittany's Graduation Dinner in Salado
December 24th through the 26th-CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS, and MORE CHRISTMAS!
December 31st-New Years Eve
January 1st-2010.... I cannot belive it!!!
January 10th-Lynnsay's Christmas Shower :)
Happy Holiday Everyone!
After the week at the ranch, we are back to Georgetown. We will be home for a couple of weeks with nothing... which will be a change of pace.... and then its CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! I cannot wait for Christmas. I decorated the house yesterday while Austin was working. I got everything done but the lights on the house outside and putting the tree up. We went and got one last night, finally! Hopefully we can put it up tonight, or I might try to do it myself when I get done writing this. I just cannot wait any longer to get it up!!! I also cannot wait to start wrapping presents! We got paper, tape and tags for the presents last night and I need to get started on them! I hope I got you something good :)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Proposal...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Coming up with the Brents....

Being silly with the pretty scenery!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
More Ring Day!!!!
Here is the video... it gets a little graphic at the end, so enjoy! and sorry I couldn't turn it the right way up.... just turn your head and or computers :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Ring Dunk

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
This weekend

When I dunked my ring, I did it by myself with all my friends and family there. HB will be dunking it with 3 of his Farmhouse friends. It will be a totally different experience. My parents are going down and so are Lynnsay's parents and I think they are in for a treat!
After he dunks his ring, we are headed to Northgate. On my ring day, HB drove me and friends around to Northgate, so this year we are returning the favor and we will be driving HB and his friends around! It will be wierd being married and graduated and at Northgate, it should be interesting!
On Saturday, we are headed to Temple for Natalie's wedding! I can't wait to see everything she has put together! I am sure it will be beautiful!!!!! And hopefully fun, and not too much like a HS reunion... I hate those! Sunday our plans are to be lazy and relax and start back to work on Monday! I hope the weekend goes by slow!
Oh and did I mention that I will be getting all my Christmas things from storage in Temple and will be decorating my house next week???? CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!! I will probably put pictures up.... don't worry!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
During the morning hunt we saw 5 doe, a 3 point, an 8 point, and 2 javelinas. Once we saw the javelinas, I got the gun ready and was going to shoot. For some reason I was really nervous... I guess it was just because I hadn't shot a gun since the last time I shot a deer which was 2 years ago now.... The javelinas were both in the fence that went around the feeder and protein feeder. One decided to lay down and I was ready to take my shot..... and a miss. It was my first miss as a hunter and I was pretty sad! Oh well, next time that javelina won't be so lucky! My dad thinks I shot right over him because I was scared about hitting the fence. I'll just take that! It sounds better then just a flat out miss! All in all, we had a great time!

Mia Jo napping on the way home
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Halloween and On.....
This weekend is OPENING WEEKEND for deer season. We had it all planned out.... Everyone is going down Friday after work.... and Austin has to work Saturday so we planned to go after he got done with work. We were talking about it yesterday and I am getting excited because its already Tuesday and the weekend is coming..... and Austin realizes that he probably has to work Monday which is when we were going to come back. He figured he has to work Monday beacause he is taking a three day weekend for HB's ring day and Natalie's Wedding..... Anyways.... So if he has to work Monday we would end up coming back Sunday..... Going up Saturday night and coming back Sunday afternoon just doesn't seem worth it for the drive. We are either not going at all.... or I am going to go by myself. I don't like either option......... I have been so excited about hunting this year that this just makes me really sad and I am going to have to decide soon. Its already WEDNESDAY!