This weeked me and my hubby are headed to good ol Temple..... My brother's girlfriend is having a 25th wedding anniversary party at our farm! I will head to town early afternoon to run some errands. I have to go to a vet clinic and get medicine for Mia, just her normal heartworm meds. I also want to run by Brickwood and see what cute Christmas stuff that they have! The party is at 4 so I hope I get everything done in time. I haven't really gotten to hang out and see the farm lately since we moved to Georgetown, so I am glad that I will have this chance to play around a little bit. Austin will be coming to Temple after work and he will probably get there around 6 or a little before... so that will be fun when he gets there!
Next week is THANKSGIVING!!! I love this time of year with all the holidays in a row! I love turkey, presents, and fireworks... I think that covers them all! I cannot wait to see all my family and spend some time with them! It has been a while since we were ALL together. And DUH turkey is the bomb digity! Cant wait :)
Then the next week we haven't decided what to do. Austin took December 1st- 8th off because he had leftover vacation time and it doesn't roll over to next year, so he just used it! Our choices are.... Road trip to Colorado and pick up Blake and Amy and continue on.... Go to the ranch and hunt and hit up Fiesta Texas and Sea World.... or staying at home and relaxing for week.... I will let you know as it gets closer. I think our first choice is Road Trip... we did this when we first started dating and had a blast and really want to do it again... but money wise we will probably just stay home. We shall see! I added some pictures from the last road trip! Enjoy!

My favorite thing to do while Austin drives

Us in the Razor....

Probably the most awesome thing ever! So fun!

Being silly with the pretty scenery!
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