It took me a while this year to get in the Christmas spirit. I was more UPSET then anything when stores and such started playing Christmas music and had their Christmas stuff out before Thanksgiving.... It just made me so angry that people were forgetting an entire holiday!!! But once Thanksgiving was over, it was Christmas time for me! I got all the Christmas shopping done early and I now have a few days to relax and not get caught up in the hustle and bustle! Bring it on!!!
The house is decorated, the presents are bought and wrapped, Christmas music coming out of the speakers, what else could you ask for. Oh, did you say SANTA!!! We saw Santa at Petsmart and couldn't resist getting a precious picture of Mia and Santa.

Now, back to the house decorations. I don't want to brag or anything, but I am pretty sure WE have the BEST looking house in the entire town of Georgetown. We worked really hard to get this just perfect, and you are more then welcome to come to our house and check it out in person!!!! We love you aggies :)

I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and I hope you get all you wanted from Santa!!!! We love yall and hope to see you over the holiday!!!!
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