13 Weeks -- (April 28- May4th) Baby Brent was the size of a medium shrimp and had a heartbeat of 154-156. Not too much to report. Just trying to catch up on sleep!! I never feel like I can get enough. Baby Brent and I celebrated my 26th birthday!!! We headed to Galveston for our annual anniversary trip/birthday/mother's day trip! We had a great time!!!!
14 Weeks -- (May 5-11)Baby Brent was the size of a lemon and had a heartbeat around 154. Still trying to catch up on this sleep!!! By this point I had still not gained but one or two pounds, and started to get worried. But everyone around me said not to worry about it, that I was healthy. I just always thought pregnancy = weight gain... not loss! During Baby Brent's 14th week, we rode a rollar coaster, rode a ferris wheel, drove home from the beach, and celebrated my pre-first Mothers Day.
15 Weeks -- (May 13-18) Baby Brent was the size of an apple and had a heartbeat around 156. Baby Brent went with me to prepare for summer work at our training we had to attend. We also got First Aid and CPR certified!!! Go us!
16 Weeks -- (May 19-25) Baby Brent was the size of an avacado and had a heartbeat around 154-156. I am finally gaining weight and it makes me feel so much better!!! I have gained about 5 pounds now. I am starting to show, my belly is getting more round then just flabby! The kids at work like to try and hear Baby Brent (or Jo Mama as they call it... well one kid calls it Darth Vador, so call it what you want) but of course they cannot hear anything. It makes me feel good that they want to be a part of everything that is going on with me!!! I should start to feel Jo Mama soon, but I haven't yet or I just haven't figured out that those feelings are the baby yet!! Either way, I cannot wait to figure it out and start feeling this thang!!!! Jo Mama had his/her first garage sale!! We actually did pretty good. I think we ended up with about $250 dollars!!!!! Again, way to go us!!!
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