All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ughh.... Summer

I have been dreading summer this year. I see all the teachers so excited and posting on facebook how many days left before summer. It has been making me cringe at the thought! I have enjoyed every minute of my sleeping in until 11 every morning. Starting Monday, first day of summer camp, I start my summer shift from 7 am until about 3. I am hoping to have a great first week, but the waking up super early is going to KILL me! My mom just tells me it will prepare me for the baby!!

Most of the summer, I will be taking it easy. I know one week I teach Volleyball, but that is probably the most athletic activity that I will get! I just have to make it to lunch. Once it is lunchtime, my day is a breeze. After lunch we go SWIMMING and then I get to go home!!! I cannot wait to swim everyday and I will enjoy coming home to a nap or more swimming! We will see what happens and I will keep everyone posted on how the summer and waking up before the sun does!!!!

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

girl... get ready. this will be perfect practice for having a baby, except try staying up at night,