I am now, as of Thursday, 26 weeks! I cannot tell you how fast time is flying! It is unreal that I really only have three months until I will have a little baby in my arms!!! I have slowly been planning the nursery and trying to get things together, but like I said in a previous post, depending on Ausitn's job situation, we are no where near where we need to be nursery wise. Oh well... consider me not stressing about it. It will all happen as it needs to. I just know it.
I meant to post last time about Macey and her moving. The other night she was non stop kicking from 9pm until 10! It was literaly an hour that she just kicked and kicked and kicked! It was awesome and crazy because she hadn't been kicking that constant.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Spirit Week
This week at summer camp, we had SPIRIT WEEK!!!! It has been a blast! This is the first time we have done this, and I don't know why we don't do it more often. I think I have enjoyed it more than the kids, but I know they have had fun with it too.
Monday -- Camo Day!!! I just ended up wearing a camo shirt, it was acutally Austins!!! I was also going to wear his camo fleece pants and camo boots, but opted out because I figured I would get super hot!!!
Tuesday -- Animal print Day!!! I had a leopard shirt, leopard sweater, cheetah earings, zebra watch, and zebra socks! I searched for everything animal print that I owned!
Wednesday -- Striped Day!!! Even though I didn't feel very good today, I knew I had to have fun with it. I went to Party City yesterday and bought these clown striped, rainbow tights! I wore them with shorts over it, striped earings, striped bracelets, striped tank top, and my striped sweater!! I think they kids were shocked by my tights, but I thought they were pretty awesome. So awesome that I decided to show them off to the world! Enjoy!

Monday -- Camo Day!!! I just ended up wearing a camo shirt, it was acutally Austins!!! I was also going to wear his camo fleece pants and camo boots, but opted out because I figured I would get super hot!!!
Tuesday -- Animal print Day!!! I had a leopard shirt, leopard sweater, cheetah earings, zebra watch, and zebra socks! I searched for everything animal print that I owned!
Wednesday -- Striped Day!!! Even though I didn't feel very good today, I knew I had to have fun with it. I went to Party City yesterday and bought these clown striped, rainbow tights! I wore them with shorts over it, striped earings, striped bracelets, striped tank top, and my striped sweater!! I think they kids were shocked by my tights, but I thought they were pretty awesome. So awesome that I decided to show them off to the world! Enjoy!

Thursday -- Nerd Day!!! Since it obviously hasn't happened yet, my PLAN is to wear my maternity capris with my shirt tucked into my pants, wish me luck : /...... mix matched tall socks, some of Austin's glasses with tape on them... and lopsided pigtails!!! hah I hope it looks alright... or maybe I don't!!!!!!!
Friday -- Hawaiian Day!!! This will be the best day I hope! We have high expectations! I bought a grass skirt, lei, and flower wristlet. I have a birthday party for Gwynn bug that afternoon, so I am wearing a shirt and shorts so it will be an easy change. We are planning a fun thing for the kids that morning too. It will be different stations with Hawaiian themed games. Hopefully it all works out the way we plan, fingers crossed!!!
25 Weeks

I am 25 weeks now, and will actually be 26 tomorrow..... I feel bad that I have been so MIA this week. I have been a little under the weather, on top of Austin being under the weather. His started about 2 weeks ago with just his normal allergies. Then it turned into allergies and a cough. My throat hurt one morning and so we decided to stay hope and pay a visit to the doctor. They tested me for strep, which was a negative:), and gave Austin some medicine for the congestion. He started to feel better finally. Then it was me again. Mine started a couple of days ago. It started out just a runny nose and has now turned into a stratchy, itchy throat... and runny nose... and congestion.... and sneezing! I am pretty sure I have a summer cold. I have been taking Benedryl(sp?) at night and Tylenol and cough drops during the day. Last night and today have been the worst days so far and I hope to wake up tomorrow being my old self. It is not fun being sick.
Back to Macey! Nothing really new.... she is still kicking along! I have officially registered for some stuff for her nursery at Pottery Barn Kids, that is probably the biggest thing! I am so excited to start working on her nursery, but it's a hard time for us right now. Austin applied for a job in Dallas about a week or so ago and still hasn't heard back, but we don't want to get the nursery started and then have to move, so we are just putting it off for now! Hope we know something soon!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
24 Weeks
As if I didn't think I was growing enough.. now I can't stop growing!!!! Macey is gettin so big! She weighs over a pound now and is as long as a corn on the cob!!
All I wear is maternity pants, well, because nothing else fits! I have been lotioning it up so I won't get stretch marks. So far so good!!!!!!!! I went to the doctor today for a check up and I got my belly measured for the first time!!! 24 inches for 24 weeks! Easy to remember. I still cannot believe this pregnancy has been going so fast. We are going to have a sweet baby girl before we know it! (She can tell I am talking about her, she is kicking as I type :))

All I wear is maternity pants, well, because nothing else fits! I have been lotioning it up so I won't get stretch marks. So far so good!!!!!!!! I went to the doctor today for a check up and I got my belly measured for the first time!!! 24 inches for 24 weeks! Easy to remember. I still cannot believe this pregnancy has been going so fast. We are going to have a sweet baby girl before we know it! (She can tell I am talking about her, she is kicking as I type :))

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Active Macey
I didn't even think about blogging about how much Macey is kicking these days until she just kicked me!!!! I LOVE watching and feeling her kick. She is really active so I feel her all the time these days. When I sit still or lay down is when I feel her the most, but the past couple of days, I feel her multiple times during the day! I love it and I love her so much already. She is growing so fast, and I really have a little more than 3 (and a half) months to go!!!
At work, I pretty much have someones hand glued to my belly all day. They want to feel her kick so bad!!! People probably think it's wierd and they ask me if it is akward, and I say no! It's awesome to me that so many people already love her and want to be a part of her life. I have tons of babysitters lined up :)
And if you are thinking "where is her 24 week update...", well I am getting there!!! I will get Austin to take my picture tonight and I will blog about it tomorrow or Monday!
At work, I pretty much have someones hand glued to my belly all day. They want to feel her kick so bad!!! People probably think it's wierd and they ask me if it is akward, and I say no! It's awesome to me that so many people already love her and want to be a part of her life. I have tons of babysitters lined up :)
And if you are thinking "where is her 24 week update...", well I am getting there!!! I will get Austin to take my picture tonight and I will blog about it tomorrow or Monday!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Crazy and Interesting Week....
Well... Well... Well....
Lets just start with Monday. The morning went great and we headed to snack. Once snack was over, we had a little freeplay. Next thing we know, there is a circle of kids around a SNAKE in the gym!!!!! Yes it was a small snake, but A SNAKE!!!! We have a lot of wimpy people at work, so I had to go get a broom so they could sweep him outside where he belongs!!!! UHG! So gross....
Tuesday comes along. At about 7:15 we had two sisters come in. They had noticed a DEAD MOUSE by the table when you first come in... GROSS!!!! I had just picked up a game piece from about a foot away from it and didn't see it!!! Again, wimpy people that I work with were not into it! Finally, we got a broom and dust pan to sweep him into the trash and to the dumpster. Around snack time (10ish) we get heads up from some kids that one of the dividers for the urinals in the boys bathroom was hanging off the wall. So a couple us conselors (Coach Eric and myself along with Mrs. Anita) brainstorm on what the easiest way to get the rest of the wall off. We finally figure it out and get that settled. Around lunchtime (12ish) boys start screeming from the bathroom and apparently the sink busted and we had water spraying like a fountain in there. We acually had a couple of kids fall in the water and one had a HUGE goose egg on the back of his head.OUCH! We ended up having all the kids wash their hands in the girls bathroom, which the boys hated!!!! Needless to say, I was glad when Tuesday was over! It was pretty hectic...
Wednesday comes along... when I show up at 7, we do the opening rounds to get everything going. One of the things I do is make sure the lights in the boys and girls bathrooms are on. When I headed to the boys bathroom to turn the lights on... what did I see??? ANOTHER dead mouse!!!!!! This time it made me a little queasy so I told Mrs. Anita and she took care of the little thing... RIP!
Thursday and Friday came and went with no problems, thank goodness!!! Now it is the weekend and I cannot wait to do a little relaxing!!!!!!!!
Lets just start with Monday. The morning went great and we headed to snack. Once snack was over, we had a little freeplay. Next thing we know, there is a circle of kids around a SNAKE in the gym!!!!! Yes it was a small snake, but A SNAKE!!!! We have a lot of wimpy people at work, so I had to go get a broom so they could sweep him outside where he belongs!!!! UHG! So gross....
Tuesday comes along. At about 7:15 we had two sisters come in. They had noticed a DEAD MOUSE by the table when you first come in... GROSS!!!! I had just picked up a game piece from about a foot away from it and didn't see it!!! Again, wimpy people that I work with were not into it! Finally, we got a broom and dust pan to sweep him into the trash and to the dumpster. Around snack time (10ish) we get heads up from some kids that one of the dividers for the urinals in the boys bathroom was hanging off the wall. So a couple us conselors (Coach Eric and myself along with Mrs. Anita) brainstorm on what the easiest way to get the rest of the wall off. We finally figure it out and get that settled. Around lunchtime (12ish) boys start screeming from the bathroom and apparently the sink busted and we had water spraying like a fountain in there. We acually had a couple of kids fall in the water and one had a HUGE goose egg on the back of his head.OUCH! We ended up having all the kids wash their hands in the girls bathroom, which the boys hated!!!! Needless to say, I was glad when Tuesday was over! It was pretty hectic...
Wednesday comes along... when I show up at 7, we do the opening rounds to get everything going. One of the things I do is make sure the lights in the boys and girls bathrooms are on. When I headed to the boys bathroom to turn the lights on... what did I see??? ANOTHER dead mouse!!!!!! This time it made me a little queasy so I told Mrs. Anita and she took care of the little thing... RIP!
Thursday and Friday came and went with no problems, thank goodness!!! Now it is the weekend and I cannot wait to do a little relaxing!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
ZMZ Ranch Camp Photo
I also promised to put this picture on... so here it is! If you are wondering who all those people are.. I can put it in just a few words.... THE BEST FAMILY EVER! I love each and everyone of them to pieces!!!

Lately my hair has been extra tangly and tough to deal with. I finally got frustrated and said so long!!!!!
Here is before...
Of course I post yesterday about how I havent had any swelling... well surprise, surprise... my Aggie Ring wouln't go on this morning. I have just been wearing my engagement ring today and I hope this is maybe a one time deal. We will try again tomorrow!!! I feel I have jinxed myself!!!
Monday, July 11, 2011
4th Of July, 2011
My mom and dad picked me up in Georgetown on Sunday night. We had the annual parade in D'Hanis on Sunday night, which we didn't know was moved to the 3rd of July, so we missed it, but had the annual celebration with the family at the Down South house on Monday at 2. Austin had to work (of course) and drove down after work on Monday Night.
These pictures were stolen from Lynnsay. I didn't take a single picture there... ooops!!!! But anyways, here is sweet Bryson. He is the toughest and sweetest baby! I hope Macey is precious and tough like him. He would hit his head and just keep going, not stopping and crying like many kids do these days.... I have those babies at work... I try to toughen them up!!!
Here is me with Macey, Mom and Lynnsay! We had a good time together at the celebration and keep each other entertained! I was thinking the weather was going to be miserable, but it really wasn't that bad. In the shade and with the wind, it was great!!!
These pictures were stolen from Lynnsay. I didn't take a single picture there... ooops!!!! But anyways, here is sweet Bryson. He is the toughest and sweetest baby! I hope Macey is precious and tough like him. He would hit his head and just keep going, not stopping and crying like many kids do these days.... I have those babies at work... I try to toughen them up!!!

Ranch Camp
We had a BLAST at the Frio River! I don't even know where to start, but we will be taking the journey backwards. I at definitely not a pro at this whole blog thing. I can never get a ton of pictures in the right order. Don't hold it against me :)
On our last night at the cabin, Austin, Lynnsay and I sat outside talking until about midnight. All of a sudden Lynnsay said, what is that.... and this picture is showing you what she saw. CREEPIEST thing ever!!! We still aren't sure what it is. We took it as our cue to go to bed!
Mamaw finally got in the river the last day and she bought this cool noodle chair to sit in. She was attmpting to sit in it, but it wasnt quite working. She leaned up against Papaw and it seemed to work. She looks like she's having fun!!! That's all that matters.
Of course Mia Jo had to swim, so here she is shivering on mommy's float. I think she was shivering in excitement, and not coldness :)
After I got my camera wet, these spots started showing up on my camera and ruined my cute pictures, but oh well! Here is Aunt Vivian, Mamaw, Papaw, Lisa, Dad, Marilyn, Mom, and Missy chilling in our spot at the river. We fished, swam, layed out, and drank (sunkist for me) in this spot in the Frio. We were always the first to show up and the last to leave "our spot".
Here is Mia Jo fetching her ball. She doesn't care about getting in the water, as long as she doesn't have to swim to it. She likes to be able to touch. She is the cutest thing when she is in the water!!!
When HB, Lynnsay, Austin and I returned from the river one afternoon before dinner, this was out greeting. The puppies coming to say hello! Belle, Mia, and Millie definitely had a blast at the river and enjoyed keeping guard at the cabin. They are such sweet girls!
We found a rope swing and everyone had a blast on it. The one time so far that I wished I wasn't pregnant! It looked like so much fun and I had to miss out. I did get to take pictures and video, so I guess that made up for it!!! Here is our cousin Tricia on the rope swing!
Here is my dad. Believe it or not, he did a backflip off the rope swing!!! He was so crazy to do this, but it was awesome the he pulled it on!!! The first day of him trying was a little scary, but it took him one practice swing, and then he just did the backflip! I am definitely amazed and WISHED I had gotten it on video, but I wasn't ready for him to do the backflip!! It will forever by in my memory bank :)
Here is HB on the rope swing!
Another one of Austin.
Hope everyone enjoyed. These pictures don't even do our trip justice. We had an absolute blast and cannot wait for next year Ranch Camp... in South Padre! I love my ZMZ Family!
23 Weeks
Macey is now 23 weeks old... and she is as big as a Large Mango!!! She is definitely an active little baby. I feel her moving all the time. I can feel it and see it from the outside and Austin got to see her move at the river!!! It is so cool for me to enjoy it, but WAY cool for Austin to get to see her and feel her too! Makes me very happy!
I still have no sickness, no stretchmarks, and no swelling! I have had such an easy pregnancy and I have acutally enjoyed it. I hope this continues until I am 40 weeks and ready to see my baby girl. We are HOPEFULLY about to start getting some serious work done in the nursery, if I can ever decide what I want...... : /
We were at the river when Macey turned 23 weeks and I am pretty sure I grew overnight. Even my family members noticed! It was like Macey wanted to make a statement that she was there!! If she is already that bold, she is going to fit nicely into my family!! Love that little girl so much already!

Friday, July 1, 2011
Macey, 22 Weeks

My, My how time is flying!!! I feel like I was just 20 weeks and finding out that we are having a girl, and now I am already 22 weeks!!! Where did those two weeks go?..... and don't get me started on how it is already JULY!!!!!!! My goodness.
ANYWAYS.... I am 22 weeks now, as of yesterday and Macey is growing and kicking like crazy! I love being able to feel her and I felt her on the outside of my tummy today and cannot wait to let Austin feel her kicking. Macey is the size of a spaghetti squash and weighs almost one pound!!! Still feeling great, enjoying the freedom at work and them working with me. Now that is it so hot, they let me decide if I want to go swimming or not and to do outside activities. Most of the time I choose no, because it is so smoldering outside!!!! I don't think Miss Macey and I could handle the heat. I don't see any stretch marks yet, I have been lotioning up twice a day! Hoping to not get any, but we shall see! As you can see from my picture, I am wearing PJ pants. Nothing really fits me these days, so I am doing my best to stay comfy. All my shorts that I bought for work..... dunzo!!! I am sticking to maternity clothes!
The 4th of July is on Monday and I cannot wait to spend it with my family. I am heading down to the ranch on Sunday with my parents for our annual celebration and parade. Austin has to work on the 4th, so he will head down when he gets off to join us. On Tuesday, we are heading to the river... the Frio. We are having ranch camp there. My parents went last year and had a blast, so we decided this year we wanted to go! I am so excited to show off my baby bump to all my family and to enjoy a week off work!
I probably won't blog again until I get back, so don't miss me too much :)
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