I am 25 weeks now, and will actually be 26 tomorrow..... I feel bad that I have been so MIA this week. I have been a little under the weather, on top of Austin being under the weather. His started about 2 weeks ago with just his normal allergies. Then it turned into allergies and a cough. My throat hurt one morning and so we decided to stay hope and pay a visit to the doctor. They tested me for strep, which was a negative:), and gave Austin some medicine for the congestion. He started to feel better finally. Then it was me again. Mine started a couple of days ago. It started out just a runny nose and has now turned into a stratchy, itchy throat... and runny nose... and congestion.... and sneezing! I am pretty sure I have a summer cold. I have been taking Benedryl(sp?) at night and Tylenol and cough drops during the day. Last night and today have been the worst days so far and I hope to wake up tomorrow being my old self. It is not fun being sick.
Back to Macey! Nothing really new.... she is still kicking along! I have officially registered for some stuff for her nursery at Pottery Barn Kids, that is probably the biggest thing! I am so excited to start working on her nursery, but it's a hard time for us right now. Austin applied for a job in Dallas about a week or so ago and still hasn't heard back, but we don't want to get the nursery started and then have to move, so we are just putting it off for now! Hope we know something soon!!
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