Thursday, Austin woke up feeling not so hot. He was sore from head to toe and just didn't feel good, so he called in and told his boss he wasn't coming to work. We did a little around the house and headed to Georgetown to clean up the old house a little. The electricity had already been turned off, so it was a little toasty and we finished pretty quick and headed back home. While Austin rested and then took a shower for work the next day, I organized our closet... which is a work in progress along with the entire house! Oh the joys of moving!!!
Today, Austin woke up and got ready for work at 7:00am. When he was done, he came and laid back in bed. He said it stomach didn't feel good, but headed to work anyway. He messaged me about 10:30 and said he had thrown up a couple of times. He said he had heard at work that a bug was going around. We had a lunch date at 1 and he called me about 12:30 and said he had thrown up a couple more times and he was coming home. I feel so bad that he hasn't been feeling good, but I am glad that I haven't caught it from him.... yet..... Our house was completely DIRTY so today we have been slowly cleaning the house. We finished cleaning our closet, bathroom, bedroom, and living room. It is starting to feel clean and like ours :) Even though we still have STUFF and BOXES everywhere, we managed to get our bathroom the way we want it, along with our bedroom set up and the living room set, so that is a good start. With Austin working and me being 8/9 months pregnant, it will be a very slow process, but I think once we get everything set, it will all turn out great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cannot wait!!!!!!
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