All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Brent Updates

Yea, I fooled you with the title..... you are thinking I have so much to catch up on... Well I am far behind, but not much has been going on here.. pretty boring.

We visited the Nix's in Salado....

Photoshoot with Aunt Loopy again...

Lots of smiling and cooing....

Lots of blowing bubbles and good sleep.....

I will try to be exciting when I write these next posts... however many I get done while Macey is playing on her playmat!!!!

I appreciate you reading my blog and I hope I keep you interested!!!

I also updated my comments.. so even if you don't have a blog, you can still comment on my posts, so comment away!!! I love to hear what everyone has to say!

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