All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Miss 5 Months Old....

Miss Macey turned 5 months old on April 3rd. She is doing so many new things that I don't even think I can name them all!!! I will do my best though.

She now sleeps without her swaddle and on her stomach. I usually try to keep a small blanket on her, but by the morning she ususally has kicked it off. She also enjoys spinning in circles in her crib (and on her quilts on the floor too).... It is always a surprise how she will be positioned in the mornings. ALWAYS different then I left her the night before :)

She it starting to think about crawling... She has been pushing her self up on her arms for a while now, but lately she has started putting her knees up. Before I know it, she will be crawling all over ther house. Look out....

As of today, she can now roll from her stomach to her back! She has been rolling from back to stomach since she was around 3 1/2 months so it's fun to see her get back!!! She is just growing up so fast!!! I just can't keep up!

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