All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 6... the last day... Part One

The last day we were all going to be there was an eventful one!!! The morning started out with a beach babe photoshoot... I foung this a week or so before we left for the beach and knew it was perfect for the trip. Love the bows!

 A group of us wanted to go to the petting zoo of sea creatures. It was pretty fun and Macey seem kinda interested! First stop was the little turtles!

 Everyone checking out some creatures....
 Puffer fish thing... silly little fishy!

 A little stingray
 Colby looking in
 Macey thinking about jumping in for a swim?!?!
 Maybe just a look...
 Hermit Crabs
 Colby holding the starfish the right way!
 Macey and Daddy touching things... No thanks :)
 Creepy Eel
 Checking out the sea horses
 They were too cute!!!
 Mr. Pufferfish
 Macey making friends!
 Mr. Pufferfish blown up!!!
To be continued....

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