Austin turned the big 2-7 today! Way to go babe! This is how his birthday went...
10:00 -- Dr. Appointment for Macey
11:00 -- Lunch
12:30 -- Picked up his birthday present
1:30 -- I headed to work and he relaxed and painted the chair rails for the nursery
6:30 -- We met for dinner
11:30 -- Bedtime
All in all, I think he had a great birthday. We have really been celebrating since this weekend when his parents came to see us. Happy Birthday Love :)
P.S. In other news, Macey is still a growing, kicking, sweet baby in my tummy. She still measures at 29 inches (my tummy wise) and her heartrate today was at 155bpm. Hopefully next time we go, in two weeks, we will get a sonogram so we can physically see how much she has grown in to a beautiful baby girl!!!! We love her so much already!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
30 Weeks!!!!

30 down.... 10 to go!!!!!!!!!
I cannot believe I only have 10 weeks to go... where in the WORLD did the time go??? I am watching Teen Mom right now(although their babies are almost 2 now), and I cannot wait to have my own baby in my arms. Macey is going to be the sweetest, most beautiful baby EVER!
Not much has changed, just getting bigger by the day! Still not stretch marks, belly button still flat.... It is getting a little harder to move around and do stuff, so I am hoping work gets easier before it gets harder! The kids have been pretty crazy, so it has really been tiring my out! I desperatly need a nap after work, but never get around to it.
My kids at work, especially the ones I haven't seen since before summer, are pretty shocked at my belly! I got the kid that called my baby Darth Vader to now call her Princess Leia so that is a plus. They like to give me a hard time. I had a kid tell me, "Mrs. Haley, go put that basketball in your shirt up!!!". So they are enjoying it!! We basically have a brand new crew this year at Dr. Johns. All our new ones knew the rules and weren't as loud and crazy. We dont have any kids that have been with us for more than 2 or 3 years. Our older ones were at 5 and 6 years with us! It is just a new scene! But we are getting there!
We have ALMOST made it through our first week back in afterschool and I hope today is a breeze!!! Thank goodness for the weekends! (Even though I have to work the Back to School Bash tomorrow at Dr. John's.....)
Until next week... Have a great weekend everyone!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Soccer Player??
I don't know what Macey is going to be when she grows up... and not that I even want to think about that yet......
BUT.... She is quite the kicker. So maybe we have a soccer player on our hands! I have had to start recording her kicks for a two hour window every night when she is most active, which for me is after dinner and before bed. (8-10 pm) It definitely doesn't take her long to get her 10 kicks in. I haven't had to time the whole 2 hours yet, she usually finishes between 15 and 40 minutes! Way to go Macey!!!!
When I first told Austin that I had to do that, and when Dr. Baylor told me too, I was thinking that is so many kicks and if she doesn't do them, I have to go to the hospital?!?! But now that I have been recording them for a week now, I understand the reasoning behind it and I guarantee she kicks about 30 times in the two hours, I just stop recording after 10! She is very active and if she ever does get below the 10 kicks in two hours, I know something is wrong!!!!
Love you our little soccer player :)
BUT.... She is quite the kicker. So maybe we have a soccer player on our hands! I have had to start recording her kicks for a two hour window every night when she is most active, which for me is after dinner and before bed. (8-10 pm) It definitely doesn't take her long to get her 10 kicks in. I haven't had to time the whole 2 hours yet, she usually finishes between 15 and 40 minutes! Way to go Macey!!!!
When I first told Austin that I had to do that, and when Dr. Baylor told me too, I was thinking that is so many kicks and if she doesn't do them, I have to go to the hospital?!?! But now that I have been recording them for a week now, I understand the reasoning behind it and I guarantee she kicks about 30 times in the two hours, I just stop recording after 10! She is very active and if she ever does get below the 10 kicks in two hours, I know something is wrong!!!!
Love you our little soccer player :)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
29 Weeks...

I went to the Dr. on Thursday and I am not having to count her kicks for two hours a day. She has to kick 10 times within that 2 hours or I am supposed to go to the hospital. So far we haven't had a problem with it yet. She did her kicks within 15 minutes last night! Way to go Macey!!!! She is quite the kicker. Maybe she will be a soccer player :)
We have had to put a hold on nursery decorating, and hopefully I will be able to blog about that next week. It is a little sad because we were making such good progress!!! Little by little Austin was working on things. Now it is at a stand still. We have still been slowly getting things for our sweet little girl! Yesterday, we got Macey her diaper bag! Cannot wait to sport that cute thing!! We are hoping today to go pick out her crib and glider for her room!!!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Nursery: Under Construction.
I definitely want to keep y'all updated on the progress of the NURSERY!!! It feels so good to start on this!!! So far all we have done is painting, so here goes!!!
Next, we worked on the pink wall. We just have one wall painted pink! We didn't want pink overload!!!
Here is the room before we started anything. We had just taped everything off.
Next, we worked on the pink wall. We just have one wall painted pink! We didn't want pink overload!!!
Cute stuff for Macey

This diaper cover was at Cavenders in Temple and I just thought it was too cute!! I didn't buy it, but I just might have to for Macey to wear at the farm to mach her Toddy!!! (Toddy is what we are going to call my dad)
I have enjoyed doing some shopping for Macey and I cannot wait to get more stuff for her... either me buying it or getting it from someone else! She has the cutest jacket from Baby Gap that her Auntie Ave and Niece Gwynn got for her! She is so blessed and will be so spoiled :)
Don't know if you knew this but......
Sunday, August 14, 2011
28 Weeks

Like the title says, I am now 28 weeks. I cannot tell you enough how fast time is flying! I just don't feel any where near ready, but we are getting closer to getting the nursery done! We have officially registered at Babies R Us and painted the nursery. We still have to get the chairrail painted and put up and maybe one more coat of paint, but other then that, we are ready to business! I cannot wait to get all her stuff to put in there. She is going to have the cutest room ever!!!!!!
This week.... lets see.... still no stretch marks, my belly button it still hanging in there (hasn't popped out yet), and I still feel great, minus the heat!!!! I cannot believe it has been so hot!Way too many days in the hundreds.
Today, I went to the dr. to have my glucose test done. It wasn't that bad, but I definitely wouldn't want to do it again. That drink wasn't that good and it made my stomach hurt, but most likely that was from not being able to eat until I was done. The time went pretty fast and we were home before we knew it!
29 weeks here we come :)
Monday, August 8, 2011
27 Weeks

I told myself I was going to be really good about posting each week on Thursday... but as you can tell the past few months... I have been slacking just a little. It is hard to remember to take my weekly picture on Thursday after a day of work and Austin working. But I am doing pretty good on Monday!!!
As you can see in my picture, I have started wearing Austin's basketball shorts. They are just about the only lounging clothes I fit into. My maternity shorts that I own are already getting a little snug as well. I am going this week to get more so I have stuff to wear to work. I just might have to start wearing my skirts to work so I have some clothes!! Macey seems to be growing by the minute. When I weigh myself in the mornings, I have to lean forward to see what it says. She is sticking out like crazy!!!!!
This week she is 2 pounds and is as big as a head of califlower!!! She is a growing girl! Not that this is a good thing, but it was in my book and on my app, but she could survive if she was born. I'm guessing that means she has all her parts and organs and she just cooks from now until November!!!! She is starting to get the hicups, although I don't feel them...... she take 20-30 minute naps.... When she kicks, she kicks hard! I think she is going to be a soccer player :)
Austin and I have THE WHOLE WEEKEND off together!!! And it's even an extended weekend. We get Saturday, Sunday and Monday off!!! We have big plans!!! I told him we HAVE to work on the nursery. My second biggest fear right now, first being something wrong with my baby, is that she comes early and we aren't ready at all!!! We will be registering at Babys R Us and Target hopefully on Saturday.... and maybe painting on Sunday! I hope we get a lot done. I kept myself awake last night thinking about the nursery so I am ready to get it done and get it off my mind!!!!
Monday I take my glucose test and hope that I don't have gestational diabetes. I have to fast for this test, so that is why I went ahead and took the day off so I didn't have anything to worry about. So it seems that our relaxing weekend together is turning into a busy one, but it will be so worth it to get the nursery done for Miss Macey!!!!
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