30 down.... 10 to go!!!!!!!!!
I cannot believe I only have 10 weeks to go... where in the WORLD did the time go??? I am watching Teen Mom right now(although their babies are almost 2 now), and I cannot wait to have my own baby in my arms. Macey is going to be the sweetest, most beautiful baby EVER!
Not much has changed, just getting bigger by the day! Still not stretch marks, belly button still flat.... It is getting a little harder to move around and do stuff, so I am hoping work gets easier before it gets harder! The kids have been pretty crazy, so it has really been tiring my out! I desperatly need a nap after work, but never get around to it.
My kids at work, especially the ones I haven't seen since before summer, are pretty shocked at my belly! I got the kid that called my baby Darth Vader to now call her Princess Leia so that is a plus. They like to give me a hard time. I had a kid tell me, "Mrs. Haley, go put that basketball in your shirt up!!!". So they are enjoying it!! We basically have a brand new crew this year at Dr. Johns. All our new ones knew the rules and weren't as loud and crazy. We dont have any kids that have been with us for more than 2 or 3 years. Our older ones were at 5 and 6 years with us! It is just a new scene! But we are getting there!
We have ALMOST made it through our first week back in afterschool and I hope today is a breeze!!! Thank goodness for the weekends! (Even though I have to work the Back to School Bash tomorrow at Dr. John's.....)
Until next week... Have a great weekend everyone!
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