I told myself I was going to be really good about posting each week on Thursday... but as you can tell the past few months... I have been slacking just a little. It is hard to remember to take my weekly picture on Thursday after a day of work and Austin working. But I am doing pretty good on Monday!!!
As you can see in my picture, I have started wearing Austin's basketball shorts. They are just about the only lounging clothes I fit into. My maternity shorts that I own are already getting a little snug as well. I am going this week to get more so I have stuff to wear to work. I just might have to start wearing my skirts to work so I have some clothes!! Macey seems to be growing by the minute. When I weigh myself in the mornings, I have to lean forward to see what it says. She is sticking out like crazy!!!!!
This week she is 2 pounds and is as big as a head of califlower!!! She is a growing girl! Not that this is a good thing, but it was in my book and on my app, but she could survive if she was born. I'm guessing that means she has all her parts and organs and she just cooks from now until November!!!! She is starting to get the hicups, although I don't feel them...... she take 20-30 minute naps.... When she kicks, she kicks hard! I think she is going to be a soccer player :)
Austin and I have THE WHOLE WEEKEND off together!!! And it's even an extended weekend. We get Saturday, Sunday and Monday off!!! We have big plans!!! I told him we HAVE to work on the nursery. My second biggest fear right now, first being something wrong with my baby, is that she comes early and we aren't ready at all!!! We will be registering at Babys R Us and Target hopefully on Saturday.... and maybe painting on Sunday! I hope we get a lot done. I kept myself awake last night thinking about the nursery so I am ready to get it done and get it off my mind!!!!
Monday I take my glucose test and hope that I don't have gestational diabetes. I have to fast for this test, so that is why I went ahead and took the day off so I didn't have anything to worry about. So it seems that our relaxing weekend together is turning into a busy one, but it will be so worth it to get the nursery done for Miss Macey!!!!
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