Sunday was a busy day for us too. We took a small thing, like meeting some friends for coffee, and turned it into a whole day!!! It started out with going to TBC with Dee Dee and Toddy! Auntie Marilyn held you almost the entire service! You were such a good girl!! And of course you looked super cute!!!Before leaving for church. You got new church shoes from Dee Dee, aren't they cute!!!

After church, we got home and had about an hour before we needed to leave for Georgetown. I got some things done around the house while Macey and Daddy napped. Once Macey woke up, I changed her and got another cute outfit on her. She was all ready for coffee with Paige, Catherine and Suzy. They were running a little late, so we took my charm bracelet (push present from Austin) to James Avery for them to engrave one of my charms and we also went to Best Buy to get a Zumba game for the Wii! I have got to get back into shape!!! Once the girls showed up they absolutely loved her!!! They held her, she talked and smiled at them..... it was fun. I hated for the time to end (and of course it went by too fast), but it was definitely good seeing them... All ready to go and sitting in her bumbo chair

After having coffee, we had a late birthday present for the Devenports so we stopped by there. She was sleeping for a little bit, but then woke up and was talking and smiling for Shane, Ave, and Gwynn. Since we just happened to be in Georgetown, we stopped by our old house and saw our old neighbors!!! They were so suprised and excited to see us! It was the oldest boys birthday, the big 1-4, and he thought we were there for cake and ice cream!!! haha.... after visiting them for a while, we went and got dinner and ate in the parking lot so we could feed Macey too. After eating, we went to the Dawkins. Jordan had called and said she had a box of clothes that were Jayci's and that we could have them for Macey!! I am currently washing them and I cannot wait to see Macey in some of them!!! She is going to be so cute. Anyways, our day finally ended and we got home around 9 that night.
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