I weighed and measured Macey today. She is a whopping 13lbs and 24 inches long. Now riddle me this... I obviously am confused on this whole age thing. So there are 52 weeks in a year..... that is 4.333333333 weeks per month. I have been calculating Macey's age by every 4 weeks. Every 4 weeks I said it was that many months... in this case her 12th week was last thursday. I have been saying she just turned three months old. Now my parents tried to explain to me today that every 3rd in each month she is that month.... in this case on Feb 3 (Friday) she will be 3 months old. I don't know what is right, I just may not be that smart... but every 4th week sounds right to me. To me 12 weeks = 3 months...
ANYWAYS!!!! These days you can tell the Macey is ready to sit up on her own. When you have her sitting or laying down, she lifts her head up as if she were going to sit up but it's like her shoulders don't follow! Poor thing.... I told her not to rush it, we are enjoying her being little and needing everything from us!
I got a manicure and pedicure today!!! I felt like a whole new person! I got the royal treatment. Massage and lotion on my arms, wax on my feet, and a massage and lotion and hot towels on my legs!!! I was definitely in heaven for that entire 45 minutes!!! Something I definitely needed.
As you can see in the picture above, I got a holder for Macey so I can carry her around hands free! It is very awesome and I cannot wait to use it somewhere besides at the house!!!! She is so cute in it, and I think it will be better too when she is bigger so it doesn't swallow her up!
I don't know if you saw on facebook or not... but Macey almost slept 13 hours last night. We definitely have quite the sleeper on our hands. We put her down at 10pm and I went in her room around 10:30am and she was still dead asleep! I finally checked back in on her around 10:40ish and her eyes were open. She wasn't crying or anything, but awake and kicking around. I just cannot believe that she sleeps so good!!! I absolutely love getting my sleep!!!!
Lastly, I have a prayer request. My sister had a full historectomy today and was in a lot of pain after surgery. Last time I checked in with my mom, she was just tired but pain was ok. She will hopefully go home tomorrow late morning. She has to be able to get up and walk and use the bathroom and then she can go home. Austin has a training in the morning, but doesn't have to work when he gets back to town, so we are going to get some flowers and go visit her at home. I hope she will be better tomorrow and I hope she has a speedy recovery (4 to 6 week recovery time). Thanks for praying for her.
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