All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

BLORA with the family!

We decided as a family we would all go see the lights out at BLORA in Belton/Ft. Hood. I don't think it will become an annual thing with everyone, but maybe Austin and I can make it a tradition if we are still around here. It will be more fun when Macey is older and can look and enjoy the lights!!! I thought it was a good time though!!! It was FREEZING outside but part of the crew braved it anyway in the back of dad's truck. Austin, dad, me and Lynnsay (and Macey of course) sat inside the truck. I think both halves had a great time!!!

Macey PUMPED to see the lights!

The crew in the back of the truck. Justin, Jackson, Jordan, mom, Jayci and HB.

Santa and his reindeer

I liked this one.. so cute!

Mr. and Mrs. Gingerbread

Cute house with Santa. He would be above the chimny then be in the house.. it was cool!

Macey did this most of the time.... She was just taking it all in!

Beautiful Nativity Scene

Interesting one.... but cute!

Finally woke up to sit in mommy's lap. She enjoyed the lights that flashed!

All in all it was fun and I HOPE we get to do it again. I wonder if there are different ones every year??? Maybe we can see Santa and eat cookies next time too!!!

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