Macey Kyle is one month old today! Cannot belive it has been that long! Feels like just yesterday!
Macey is still as cute as a bug in a rug, and getting more precious by the day! She is starting to stay awake longer during the day (and going through a fussy phase from 10pm to 2am) and starting to make cooing noises! It is the cutest thing ever!
She is so small and still wearing mostly newborn stuff... diapers and clothes. She does wear some 0-3 month outfits and 3 month outfits, but mostly newborn is the stuff that fits her best. I tried to weigh her on my scale and I think she weighs about 8lbs now. Growing girl for sure!!!! She still has a head full of hair. Eats 5-6 times a day and sleeps about 5-6 hours uninterupted in the mornings.
I would think of more things to say, but she just woke up and is screaming at me :)
Love that little girl! 
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