All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Doug and Elyse visit Temple

Wednesday night, December 21st, we had a dinner at the Streater's to have a small christmas with Doug and Elyse. They both were in town, so we took advantage to see them all and celebrate. We had lasagna and the sides with cake and ice cream for dessert. Colby, Jackson and Jayci got to open some presents after dinner.

Feeding Macey before heading over

Colby opened a train and some tracks. The boys were so cute while they were playing and watching the train go around and around!

I didn't take that many pictures, so I stole these from Mary Beth!!!! This is Elyse and Douglas with Baby Macey!

Uncle Doug and Auntie Marilyn with Baby Macey!

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