All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dr. Johns Sports Center

Just wanted to update everyone about work! It is still going great!!! I really love it and I am so happy that I found this job. We have been trying to make changes lately and things seem to be going in the right direction to make us a better after school program. We have been working on positivity instead of using tons of discipline... leaving our personal, home stuff at home and loving on these kids.

I have started this new thing with my kids, for the positive route of dicipline during attendance time. Usually, I just have them run around like crazy while I mark down who is there. Now, we sit in a circle and when I call their name out, they tell me a favorite something... like color or animal... or ask a question for them to answer. It has been going pretty well... they just take so long to think or want to pick 10 favorite colors.... I don't have that much time. haha... They are so cute though!

We are preping for Halloween and it is getting so exciting!! We are going to doing a Haunted Mansion setup in our gym and we are hoping the kids love it. It is going to be a maze and have all these different rooms and they weave through the gym and do a couple of activites... so it will be fun... I hope :)

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