All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

This year for Valentine's Day, we didn't do too much. Friday after work, Austin went and picked up my present... AKA a Baskin Robbins CAKE... YUMMY!!! Best present EVER! I went to the grocery store Saturday and got Austin and Mia their presents. I just got Austin some random little things and of course some REECE'S hearts. (his favorite)

Last night after I got home from work, I cooked us a wonderful dinner and we ate by candlelight in our dining room... just the two of us.

Like I said, very low key, but thats all we need!

I love you babe :)

My Cake
Mia and her sweet Valentine's day monkey

Snow Day 2011

Texas has had some CRAZY weather this month. We had a Thursday at about 70 degrees and a snow day/no work the next day!!!!! It was so wierd, but who is going to complain about a day off! It was awesome. Austin had been sick the two days before and still wasn't feeling up to par on that Friday, so he got to stay home with me and watch me play in the snow. He even played a little bit!!!

Dallas had snow about the entire week and I was feeling a little left out. They were all getting cabin fever while I was just praying for a snowflake or two! We didn't get that much snow and it hardly lasted until the end of the day. BUT..... it was AWESOME! I love snow a lot and we don't get it much, therefore I was excited for the little bit that we got!

We had ice INSIDE our windows... this was the night before we got snow

A little bit of snow the night before we woke up to snow

Snow pellets at about 1:30am before the snow (I was up waiting for it)


Me and my little girl playing in the snow

She loves to play fetch in the snow

Yay, we love the snow!

Yes, it's true, I LOVE AB!

Our snowman, he kinda looke like a bird!

The snow in the back of Austin's truck

Our snowman, the next day. Just about the only snow left! And of course he didn't last the whole day before melting....
Welp, goodbye snow. We will see you next year, I HOPE!!!


I have been taking Zumba classes at Dr. John's for the past 5 or so weeks, of course I skipped a couple, but I am getting back on track!!!! I really enjoy the classes. It's one of those things that isn't too challenging, but it's not super easy so I feel like I get something out of it! Sometimes my friend Randi takes it with me, and some of my kid's moms are in it, so it's pretty fun. Now, back to the picture.... my friend Arielle teached Zumba at her church in Hewitt and they ordered shirts, and OF COURSE I HAD to order one! Aren't they cute?!?!

My Friends: Reba and George

At the beginning of this year, Austin and I treated ourselves to tickets for the Reba and George concert in Austin, Tx. We had a blast!!!! It was awesome to see two big stars live!! We both grew up listening to them both so it was really special. They had a couple of other people at the concert too. Lee Ann Wolmack came out and sang, and Melissa Peterman came out and did a little skit too. We watch the show Reba on TV so it was cool that she was there as Barbra Jean!! They are so funny together.

We don't get to go to concerts that often, so I am glad we decided to go to this one and I am pretty sure we will remember it for the rest of our lives! So cool!

There's Reba!

Lee Ann and Reba

BJ and Reba

Austin and I

Ahh.. it's George!

More George

We love you, George!