All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mother's Day X 3

Yes, you read that correctly... I got to celebrate Mother's Day 3 times this year and I am not even a mother yet!!!!!!!!

Mother's Day 1-- Actual Mother's Day, May 8th.... The Brent's came down and we went out to eat for lunch. We wanted steak so we headed to Saltgrass in Round Rock. It was super yummy!!!! After lunch we came back to the house and basically hung out the rest of the day and watched the Dallas Mavs bball game on TV! It was a great way to spend my first pre-mother's day!

Mother's Day 2-- The next weekend, May 15th.... We headed to Temple to hang out at the farm. We headed in early and Austin rode the jetski on the tank!!!! He had a blast! HB even came out to ride it a little. Lynnsay showed up a little later because she was taking pictures of the cows for my moms website for selling purposes. Not long after, the Dawkin's showed up with their precious children in tow! We had a great dinner, fajitas, and once everyone was stuffed, mom opened her presents and everyone headed home. It was a great way to spend my second pre-mother's day.

Mother's Day 3-- This past weekend, May 22... The Nix Family had us all come over to their house. The bigger occasion was Mamaw and Papaw being in town!!! But we were celebrating Mother's Day for her! It was really good to see them since they live so far away now!!!! Uncle T made hamburgers and they were delicious!!!!!! Everyone gave Mamaw their presents and we slowly one by one headed out the door. The Macey's (HB and Lynns) met us out at the farm and the men rode the jetski again. Lynnsay took a nap while I laughed at HB when he fell off and couldn't get back on! It was a great way to spend my third pre-mother's day.

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