All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

ATL pt. 2

The aquarium was sooo cool! We even saw a dolphin show, but we couldn't take pictures or video in there... and it was a little odd. A guy was singing and it was like a musical... anyways! The dolphins were cool for sure though!!!!

 Before the aquarium we ate at this restaurant about half a mile from the aquarium... anddd I left my phone there, so after the aquarium (when we realized I had left it there) Austin ran back over there to get it while Tyler and I sat down and fed Macey. She was exhausted from the fish overload! She was too cute asleep in her stroller!
 We drove back to Duluth because a bunch of family were headed through on their way to Toccoa too! So we went out to eat with Holly because she wasn't coming to Toccoa with us and those family members wouldn't get to see her any other time. We went to a hibachi place and it was soo yummy! Macey got a balloon and loved it, a little too much for my taste. I just knew it was going to pop on her. When the guy lit the whole grill on fire, it scared Macey and she was screaming crying.. haha poor thing!
 It was Dot's birthday so they made her wear this had and they sang to her! It was funny! But the ice cream was yummy.. Macey and I ate Rainbow Sherbet!
 There were these funny cut outs at the front of the restaurant. Macey was cute in it.

 When we were looking for a place to eat for lunch by the aquarium, Tyler had put his phone's GPS in walk mode. When it was time to head to Toccoa, he didn't change it back and needless to say we took the long way to the highway! It was pretty funny... the next day(haha)! It was about 30 minutes out of the way! We didn't get to Toccoa until 11pm or so?!?! Macey slept most of the way! Can't you tell from her lines?

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