All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Car Seat

Isn't Macey precious in her new car seat!!! If you have seen her lately, you have noticed that she is a little snug in her infant car seat!!! She look so big in it, and now she looks TINY in her new big girl car seat.... I cannot wait to put it in my car and her use it for the first time!!! Love this little girl even though her daddy and I agree that she is already EXPENSIVE... EEK!!!!


jrandchels said...

She does look super tiny in that huge carseat! What a cutie!

My instagram name is: chelsandjr

Haley and Austin said...

Yay! Thanks! Cannot wait to see all your pictures!!!

I know, I will have to take a picture of her in her old seat and a good one in her new seat to get a good view!!!