All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Last Night's Dinner

I made the most amazing dinner last night.... well it wasn't just the dinner, it was the dinnerware and everything else! I made spaghetti and put it in a pretty caserole dish, a made a salad with cheese and dressing and put it in my clear salad bowl and we used the tongs that matched, corn in a caserole dish, cornbread and put it in my heart caserole dish from Brittany!!! We even drank out of our stemless wine glasses, it was the whole package! I set the table and had everything ready! I made Austin stay in the living room so he would be surprized at what I was making, he was very excited and surprized! It was so cute and it was very romantic. We decided that we should do this at least once a week! It was very special to use all our new dished that we hadn't used yet. I cook all the time and we eat at the table occasionally... but this was new and it was amazing! I should have taken a picture.... dang it!

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Good for you.....super wife!!!! It is fun to use all the new stuff, and yours is so cute. It sounds like you guys are having a great time as newlyweds. Congrats on the new washer and dryer. That will make life a little easier! Have a great weekend.