All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Austin has worked at Sherwin Willimas for about 3 months now... and I have never really gotten into the whole painting thing. For some strange reason I have become Mrs. Painter this week. We have picked out 4 different colors to paint stuff in our house since Monday and so far we have painted three shelves and two things that you can hang your keys or clothes on.... It has been crazy.

We just started a new project today. We are painting our entertainment center with our two newest colors. All four colors are a blue or a green... haha I didn't realize that they were the only colors I liked.... One is like an antique bright teal color.... another light blue, almost a periwinkle.... one a dark turquoisy blue color... and the last is a really light mint green color. We are hoping to use that for patio furniture and rocking chairs for outside. I am not the greatest painter, but it has been a fun experience so far. We also did a little painting in our house. Who ever painted it before us did a pretty bad job, so we did some touching up around our room and the dining room.

Today, Mia came out there in the garage with us and she got some blue paint on her face. It was funny, but I didn't mind because she was already pretty dirty. We had to go to Austin today to the old apartment, clean it up and run a few other errands. We left Mia outside while we were gone. I was pretty worried at first, but I think it is good for her. I want her to play outside without us being there by her side. I am trying to make her independent. She did good today! I was a very proud mommy......

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