All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Salado Visit

On Feb 11th, I woke up to a text from Brittany saying her and Lisa wanted to come by; they had something for Macey. Macey and I went and did some errands and took Austin lunch. When I was driving around, Macey fell asleep. It was about an hour away from when Britt and Lisa were coming so I didn't want to go home and her wake up and be fussy, so I called Britt and said I would just come over there so Macey could sleep. It worked out perfectly!!! Macey slept the whole way there and woke up as I was pulling up to their house. I hadn't planned on staying long... but ended up staying over 2 hours! Brittany and Lisa had so much fun with Macey... and Macey was sooo good!!!! She even got to see Uncle Terry!!!

Lisa and Brittany got Macey the CUTEST Easter outfit ever!! It is a light pink romper and it has a bunny on the front and says, Some Bunny Loves You!!!! It is so precious.... and they also got her a pink headband with a pink flower on it and some pink shoes to go along. I cannot wait for Easter to come along and Macey wear her cute outfit.

It makes me so happy to think about all the love there is around our family for Macey. It fills my heart so I can only imagine what it does for Macey! I absolutely love seeing everyone's faces light up when we are around! Brings me so much joy! Macey and I love our family!!!

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