All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Soccer Player??

I don't know what Macey is going to be when she grows up... and not that I even want to think about that yet......

BUT.... She is quite the kicker. So maybe we have a soccer player on our hands! I have had to start recording her kicks for a two hour window every night when she is most active, which for me is after dinner and before bed. (8-10 pm) It definitely doesn't take her long to get her 10 kicks in. I haven't had to time the whole 2 hours yet, she usually finishes between 15 and 40 minutes! Way to go Macey!!!!

When I first told Austin that I had to do that, and when Dr. Baylor told me too, I was thinking that is so many kicks and if she doesn't do them, I have to go to the hospital?!?! But now that I have been recording them for a week now, I understand the reasoning behind it and I guarantee she kicks about 30 times in the two hours, I just stop recording after 10! She is very active and if she ever does get below the 10 kicks in two hours, I know something is wrong!!!!

Love you our little soccer player :)

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