All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Friday, June 10, 2011

ALMOST half way there!!!

I am now 19 weeks along, well since yesterday! Baby Brent is the size of a large tomato! Sadly, I still don't THINK I am feeling any kicks, but I probably am and just don't know it! The heart beat is still between 150-160 most of the time. Baby Brent has really enjoyed swimming every day this week!!!! We are even getting a little sun :)

This morning I woke up and thought I felt bigger. I looked in the mirror before I got in the shower and sure enough, I look like I grew three times since yesterday! Interesting.... I am still feeling great just tired. Trying not to get too stressed at work, but I definitely have my work cut out for me! I have quite the handful this summer!

In exactly one week from TODAY, we will be finding out what we are having, and I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!! I am so excited to see if we will be having a boy or girl and I can't wait to announce it to our families and friends! I have had so many people at work and on facebook of people guessing what it will be and I will be glad to let them know if they were right or not next weekend! And yes I said weekend.... I will have a VERY difficult time keeping my mouth shut! We go to have our sonogram on Friday.... hopefully eat with our friends Ave and Shane on Saturday night to tell them (and they can't tell ANYONE), and then we have a family gathering on Father's Day to announce it to our families!!!! So between Friday and Sunday I have to keep my big mouth shut! Wish me luck!!!!!!

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