All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Move to Temple update

Well...... WE FOUND A HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We officially have a roof over our heads in the monster town of Temple! We are still renting, but it was a very frustrating look for a perfect rent house, but I am pretty sure we found it! We are actually driving (just drove through Hearne) to College Station right now for the AGGIE FOOTBALL game! Which is acutally the worst timing ever, but HOPEFULLY it will be worth it.

We packed up a little last night and feel like we don't have too much more to pack up. We make the big move on Wednesday. Our plan for now is to take a load (including our bed) to Temple on Monday and spend the night in Temple because Austin has to work open to close. On his lunch break we will be picking up a moving truck. We will drive that back to Georgetown Tuesday night, pack up a little and then finish on Wednesday and bring it all to Temple and into our house!!!! I cannot wait to have the house perfectly decorated for people to see and to get Macey's nursery done! She will probably have the cutest room in the house!

Not too much to update, but thought I would keep you guys in the loop on our progress!!! Mom thinks Thanksgiving dinner at my house... I say slow your roll!! We aren't quite ready for that yet!

Lets go AGS!!!!! BTHO OSU!

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