All because two people fell in love...

All because two people fell in love...

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Time

Christmas has seemed to sneak up on me this year(as usual); guess I have other things on my mind!! I have frantically and last minute ordered the last of my presents and HOPE they come in before Christmas Day (fingers crossed :)) It has been quite busy here and I have a few pictures to share.

Here is our Christmas puppy sitting so cute under the Christmas tree!!!

Thursday, Nov. 15th, we had planned to go to Rotary Christmas with my parents and Jayci and Jackson. Uncle B was there too!!!! Austin and I wanted to take Macey to see Santa at the mall. Since he wouldn't be off until next week, I decided to get mom to take us to see him before the schools let out for Christmas Break. I knew the mall would be SLAMMED! So before headed to Wildflower to see Santa, we headed to the mall! She was great and loved taking her picture with Santa! I wonder what she told him she wanted :)

Sweet girl sleeping before getting her present from Santa!

Mommy and Macey... I wore my red to match her!

Uncle B and Macey!!! He wore his green to be in the holiday spirit!

Our attempt at getting her picture with her AWESOME ornament from Dee Dee... She made it just for Macey and although you can't see in the picture, SHE LOVES IT!

Well, like I said, Christmas is quickly approaching! We are headed to Whitney tomorrow night to celebrate Christmas with Austin's family. I cannot wait to get the HOLIDAY started!!! More post to follow! Hopefully I can keep up with the holiday and not get behind!!! Guess we shall see :)

Merry Christmas to EVERYONE!

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